Management Right holders authorized to use the land for the purpose of implementation of tasks or business, is also authorized to submit portions of land right and management to third parties or to cooperate with the third parties in the form of land use agreements which publishes Right to Build or Right to Use, and in the form of the release of land rights which publishes Right of PropertyKeywords: right of management, right to build, right to use, right of propert
Based on article 3 Decree of Minister of Internal Affair (Permendagri) No. 5, 1974 on provision and ...
Status of land that can be controlled by the local government is the right of use and the right of m...
Salah satu aspek hukum penting dalam RUU Pertanahan Indonesia yang saat ini tengah dibahas Dewan Per...
Management Right holders authorized to use the land for the purpose of implementation of tasks or bu...
Building rights on land can have effect on state land, right-of-management land, andproperty-right l...
Right of Management is the Right of Use given by a nation which the implementation authority is dele...
Act Number 5 Year 1960 only mention management, not right of management (Hak Pengelolaan). Right of ...
Right of Management (HPL) is part of the state right to control the land and part of the rights dele...
Organizers of development (third party) who has entered into an agreement with the holder of rights ...
AbstractAgrarian law regulates various forms of land rights, one of which is an individual right to ...
Perolehan tanah oleh perusahaan swasta dapat ditempuh melalui pelepasan hak atas tanah. Pelepasan ha...
The problems examined in this task are how the granting of building use rights / use rights over Pri...
Status of land that can be controlled by the local government is the right of use and the right of m...
Ownership of land rights is a fundamental right that is also a part of human rights. Revocation of o...
Abstract: The legal relations of land tenure, ownership, usage and utilization of agrarian resources...
Based on article 3 Decree of Minister of Internal Affair (Permendagri) No. 5, 1974 on provision and ...
Status of land that can be controlled by the local government is the right of use and the right of m...
Salah satu aspek hukum penting dalam RUU Pertanahan Indonesia yang saat ini tengah dibahas Dewan Per...
Management Right holders authorized to use the land for the purpose of implementation of tasks or bu...
Building rights on land can have effect on state land, right-of-management land, andproperty-right l...
Right of Management is the Right of Use given by a nation which the implementation authority is dele...
Act Number 5 Year 1960 only mention management, not right of management (Hak Pengelolaan). Right of ...
Right of Management (HPL) is part of the state right to control the land and part of the rights dele...
Organizers of development (third party) who has entered into an agreement with the holder of rights ...
AbstractAgrarian law regulates various forms of land rights, one of which is an individual right to ...
Perolehan tanah oleh perusahaan swasta dapat ditempuh melalui pelepasan hak atas tanah. Pelepasan ha...
The problems examined in this task are how the granting of building use rights / use rights over Pri...
Status of land that can be controlled by the local government is the right of use and the right of m...
Ownership of land rights is a fundamental right that is also a part of human rights. Revocation of o...
Abstract: The legal relations of land tenure, ownership, usage and utilization of agrarian resources...
Based on article 3 Decree of Minister of Internal Affair (Permendagri) No. 5, 1974 on provision and ...
Status of land that can be controlled by the local government is the right of use and the right of m...
Salah satu aspek hukum penting dalam RUU Pertanahan Indonesia yang saat ini tengah dibahas Dewan Per...