SERVING THE CAUSE Kfsussui Gr 3YW ■• 51 M 7 I GE. f -**■■* taMM^w-"' —-—j ■ ■TT^ ■Al^Hk' 1 So From the 1970 Spectrum. March 16 accurately described it as "the most colorful, provocative, and exhausting Awareness Week this college has yet seen."3" Six weeks after Symposium 70, when President Richard Nixon ordered American troops to invade Cambodia, presumably in an effort to force the North Vietnamese to agree to peace terms acceptable to the Americans, students on campuses all over the country erupted in revolt. The Ohio governor ordered the national guard to restore order in the town of Kent and on the campus of Kent State University. During the days which followed, four students were killed and eleven were wou...