A Characterization study of rumen cellulolytic bacteria of cattle was conducted at the National Research Center "Tibaitatá" of Corpoica, located in a highland (2550 m.a.s.l) tropical ecosystem of Colombia. Five anaerobic strains of cellulolytic bacteria (F31, F32, F33, R38 and R39) were isolated from the rumen contents of cattle fed on raygrass (Lolium multiflorum) hay. Classification of the isolated rumen bacteria strains was accomplished by biochemical tests, carbohydrate fermentation patterns and morphological characterization, including transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of cell membrane and glycocalix. The isolated strains were: Fibrobacter succinogenes succinogenes (F31y F32), Fibrobacter succi nogenes elongata (F33), Ruminococcus...