青森県のごく一部の地域と北海道でのみ作られるべこもちは、同じ材料と形でも地域によって名称が異なったり、型で抜くものや手で成形するもの、立体造形的に花などを作るもの、黒砂糖色の一色、黒白の二色、多色づかいのものなど、実に多様である。そのルーツも、北前船ルートと津軽海峡ルートが主に考えられる。べこもちの地理的な分布と、ルーツを探り、北海道の開拓の歴史と食文化を考察する。 Bekomochi rice cake has a strong local speciality and is mainly served in Hokkaido and some parts of Aomori prefecture, Japan. There are various shapes, designs and colors in bekomochi, among different localities,although materials and basic appearance are almost the same. Shape of becomochi is formed by using wooden moulds in some area, but is finished by hands in other places. Color is also diversified from unicolor only with black sugar to multicolor. Some bekomochi are decorated by sculpture of flowers. The bekomochi is presumablyoriginated from other di...