The character Voyleano has models in the suicide Werther, by Goethe, and in the death-desiring Tediato in the Lugubrious Nights, by Cadalso. The creation of the figure of Voyleano depends on the new sensibility of the Enlightenment, romantic cosmic grief, and the exaltation of romantic psychology. In the novel by Vayo the Napoleonic invasion of Spain is depicted, and this atmosphere lends itself to libertine seductions, betrayals, great disillusionments, and the loss of faith. Voyleano, like don Quijote, like Julien Sorel, like Emma Bovary, and like several characters from Larra and Mesonero Romanos has sought a model or logos in an earlier character. After don Quijote Voyleano is the first of all of them. Voyleano considers the physical ac...