An Investigation of the Learning Styles Used and English Proficiency of the Students of English Eduction Study Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Sriwijaya University Hariswan Putera JayaRita Abstract This study aimed to find out the general description of learning styles, types of learning styles, and English proficiency of students of English Language Education Program,Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP),Sriwijaya University and to find out whether there was a correlation between their learning styles and their English proficiency in general. The population of this study was the 3rd, 5th and 7th semester students of Palembang and Inderalaya campuses. The results...
There are many factors affecting language learning, one of them is learning style. According to Reid...
Learning style is the behavior that usually used by the students to get information or knowledge. Le...
The objectives of this study were to find out (1) whether or not there were significant correlations...
An Investigation of the Learning Styles Used and English Proficiency of the Students of English Educ...
Abstract: This study aimed to find out the general description of learning styles, types of learning...
This study investigated (1) the correlation between each learning style and English proficiency, and...
This study aims to find the correlation between students learning styles and their English academic ...
Abstract: The objective of this study is to find out whether or not there is a s ignificant correlat...
This research examined the learning styles of low and high proficiency students studying Foundation ...
The problem encountered by students on their English achievement was correlated with their learning ...
This research is a correlational study with 441 students used as the population of the study. 366 st...
The problem encountered by students on their English achievement was correlated with their learning ...
This research investigated the significant differences in English proficiency of students with diffe...
There are many factors affecting language learning, one of them is learning style. According to Reid...
The research is aimed of finding out the types of students‟ learning style categorized into field ...
There are many factors affecting language learning, one of them is learning style. According to Reid...
Learning style is the behavior that usually used by the students to get information or knowledge. Le...
The objectives of this study were to find out (1) whether or not there were significant correlations...
An Investigation of the Learning Styles Used and English Proficiency of the Students of English Educ...
Abstract: This study aimed to find out the general description of learning styles, types of learning...
This study investigated (1) the correlation between each learning style and English proficiency, and...
This study aims to find the correlation between students learning styles and their English academic ...
Abstract: The objective of this study is to find out whether or not there is a s ignificant correlat...
This research examined the learning styles of low and high proficiency students studying Foundation ...
The problem encountered by students on their English achievement was correlated with their learning ...
This research is a correlational study with 441 students used as the population of the study. 366 st...
The problem encountered by students on their English achievement was correlated with their learning ...
This research investigated the significant differences in English proficiency of students with diffe...
There are many factors affecting language learning, one of them is learning style. According to Reid...
The research is aimed of finding out the types of students‟ learning style categorized into field ...
There are many factors affecting language learning, one of them is learning style. According to Reid...
Learning style is the behavior that usually used by the students to get information or knowledge. Le...
The objectives of this study were to find out (1) whether or not there were significant correlations...