Með ritgerð þessari er ætlunin að skoða hvort innganga Íslands í Evrópusambandið myndi veikja eða styrkja stöðu Íslands í málefnum norðurslóða. Til þess að svara þeirri spurningu eru þrjár kenningar í alþjóðsamskiptum valdar og greindar út frá efni ritgerðarinnar. Gerð er grein fyrir málefnum norðurslóða, s.s aukið aðgengi að auðlindum og opnun siglingaleiða og hvaða alþjóðlegu stofnanir starfa í tengslum við svæðið. Einnig er fjallað um stöðu smáríkja og þá kosti og galla sem þau hafa af skjóli stærri ríkja eða ríkjasambanda. Stefnur Íslands og Evrópusambandsins í málefnum norðurslóða eru bornar saman og skoðað sérstaklega hvort Ísland hefði ávinning af því að vera í skjóli Evrópusambandsins í norðurslóðamálum. Ísland hefur verið að auka a...
In 2009, Iceland finds itself negotiating for EU entry alongside a group of 7 candidates and potenti...
Climate change is opening opportunities for further extraction of natural resources and business in ...
Because of the melting ice around the Arctic circle, states are able to look deeper into opening pos...
Markmið með ritgerð þessari er að fjalla um vægi norðurslóðamála á vettvangi ríkisstjórna Íslands, þ...
In recent years there have been great changes in the High North as result of global warming and clim...
Iceland is a small, resource rich country in Europe that is highly dependent on foreign trade. Accor...
The importance of the High North to Iceland has increased in the last decade. With Arctic sea ice me...
Staða Norðurskautsráðsins hefur styrkst undanfarin ár. Aðgerðir sem að eiga þátt í því eru m.a. stof...
The melting of the Arctic ice is opening new shipping routes through the Arctic; thus making Arctic ...
Iceland, despite being a relatively small geographic country, is trying to pursue an active and ambi...
Bakalaura darbā tiek apskatītas Islandes perspektīvas iestāties ES, skatot ES valdību oficiālos vied...
Umfjöllunarefni þessarar ritgerðar er þróun íslenskra öryggismála með áherslu á norðurslóðir. Til að...
Recent opinion polls suggest that most Icelanders are against joining the EU. By the same token, how...
A Parliamentary Resolution on Iceland's Arctic Policy (Approved by Althingi at the 139th legislativ...
Iceland has chosen to be a nation without a standing army, but in the period from 1951 to 2006 outso...
In 2009, Iceland finds itself negotiating for EU entry alongside a group of 7 candidates and potenti...
Climate change is opening opportunities for further extraction of natural resources and business in ...
Because of the melting ice around the Arctic circle, states are able to look deeper into opening pos...
Markmið með ritgerð þessari er að fjalla um vægi norðurslóðamála á vettvangi ríkisstjórna Íslands, þ...
In recent years there have been great changes in the High North as result of global warming and clim...
Iceland is a small, resource rich country in Europe that is highly dependent on foreign trade. Accor...
The importance of the High North to Iceland has increased in the last decade. With Arctic sea ice me...
Staða Norðurskautsráðsins hefur styrkst undanfarin ár. Aðgerðir sem að eiga þátt í því eru m.a. stof...
The melting of the Arctic ice is opening new shipping routes through the Arctic; thus making Arctic ...
Iceland, despite being a relatively small geographic country, is trying to pursue an active and ambi...
Bakalaura darbā tiek apskatītas Islandes perspektīvas iestāties ES, skatot ES valdību oficiālos vied...
Umfjöllunarefni þessarar ritgerðar er þróun íslenskra öryggismála með áherslu á norðurslóðir. Til að...
Recent opinion polls suggest that most Icelanders are against joining the EU. By the same token, how...
A Parliamentary Resolution on Iceland's Arctic Policy (Approved by Althingi at the 139th legislativ...
Iceland has chosen to be a nation without a standing army, but in the period from 1951 to 2006 outso...
In 2009, Iceland finds itself negotiating for EU entry alongside a group of 7 candidates and potenti...
Climate change is opening opportunities for further extraction of natural resources and business in ...
Because of the melting ice around the Arctic circle, states are able to look deeper into opening pos...