Iceland has chosen to be a nation without a standing army, but in the period from 1951 to 2006 outsourced its security needs to the US through a bilateral defence agreement in the framework of NATO cooperation. In 2006 the US withdrew its forces from Iceland but kept its commitment to the defence of Iceland. While the US forces were in place, Iceland did not have to devote many resources or much independent thinking to defence and security, but this changed dramatically with the withdrawal. After 2006 the political elite of Iceland had, for the first time, to act to ensure the defence of the nation. Emphasis was initially put on re-committing the US but when that failed, attention was turned to neighbouring NATO members and eventually NAT...
The study deals with the military integration of Iceland into the Western Alliance, 1945-60. It focu...
Almenn greinThe doctrine of “societal security” is applied in some other Nordic countries to coordin...
Öryggismálastefna þriggja norræna smáríkja er viðfangsefni þessarar ritgerðar. Ríkin eru Ísland, Dan...
Áður en skrif verkefnisins hófst hafði höfundur nokkuð fyrirfram ákveðna mynd af því hvernig hagsmun...
The aim of this thesis is to study how well the EU’s foreign, security and defense policies coincide...
This dissertation investigates how far Iceland’s economic security challenges can be identified and ...
Umfjöllunarefni þessarar ritgerðar er þróun íslenskra öryggismála með áherslu á norðurslóðir. Til að...
The United States and its Allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) shifted their coll...
Í þessari ritgerð er fjallað um það hvernig íslensk stjórnvöld nálgast öryggi sem ekki snýr að herna...
Almennar greinarIceland has been slow in developing a national security concept, for reasons that in...
In June 2018 the United States suddenly resigned from the United Nations Human Rights Council. The s...
The purpose of this thesis is to ask whether Iceland should form an economic security strategy: and ...
The aim of this paper is to determine Iceland’s foreign policy options in relation to shelter theory...
The objective of this thesis is to make a case for Icelandic strategic culture and to illustrate how...
The focus of this master's thesis is on the Icelandic government's decision to join the North Atlant...
The study deals with the military integration of Iceland into the Western Alliance, 1945-60. It focu...
Almenn greinThe doctrine of “societal security” is applied in some other Nordic countries to coordin...
Öryggismálastefna þriggja norræna smáríkja er viðfangsefni þessarar ritgerðar. Ríkin eru Ísland, Dan...
Áður en skrif verkefnisins hófst hafði höfundur nokkuð fyrirfram ákveðna mynd af því hvernig hagsmun...
The aim of this thesis is to study how well the EU’s foreign, security and defense policies coincide...
This dissertation investigates how far Iceland’s economic security challenges can be identified and ...
Umfjöllunarefni þessarar ritgerðar er þróun íslenskra öryggismála með áherslu á norðurslóðir. Til að...
The United States and its Allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) shifted their coll...
Í þessari ritgerð er fjallað um það hvernig íslensk stjórnvöld nálgast öryggi sem ekki snýr að herna...
Almennar greinarIceland has been slow in developing a national security concept, for reasons that in...
In June 2018 the United States suddenly resigned from the United Nations Human Rights Council. The s...
The purpose of this thesis is to ask whether Iceland should form an economic security strategy: and ...
The aim of this paper is to determine Iceland’s foreign policy options in relation to shelter theory...
The objective of this thesis is to make a case for Icelandic strategic culture and to illustrate how...
The focus of this master's thesis is on the Icelandic government's decision to join the North Atlant...
The study deals with the military integration of Iceland into the Western Alliance, 1945-60. It focu...
Almenn greinThe doctrine of “societal security” is applied in some other Nordic countries to coordin...
Öryggismálastefna þriggja norræna smáríkja er viðfangsefni þessarar ritgerðar. Ríkin eru Ísland, Dan...