Voluntúrismi, eða ferðamennska í góðgerðarskyni, er víða skilgreint sem samþætting ferðamennsku og þróunarsamvinnu og hefur rutt sér til rúms sem vinsæll ferðamáti. Hann samtvinnar á sérkennilegan hátt hugmyndir um góðgerðir, fátækt og samfélagslega ábyrgð við frístundir og ferðalög. Gagnrýnendur voluntúrisma hafa sérstaklega einblínt á sjálfboðaliðann og hann álitinn velviljaður en ógagnrýninn. Þá er voluntúrismi sakaður um að stuðla að ný-nýlendustefnu (e. neo-colonialism) og ýta undir úreltar staðalímyndir af „þriðja heiminum”. Í þessari ritgerð verður gerð grein fyrir mannfræðilegri þekkingu á sviði góðgerðar-, þróunar og ferðamála sem gagnast þegar að rýnt er í hið margþætta fyrirbæri sem voluntúrismi er.Broadly defined as the intersec...
In the last twenty years, a growing number of associations has been developing projects on what has ...
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has recently become increasingly important for companies to in...
Heutzutage ist fast jeder Ort auf der Welt touristisch erschlossen und es haben sich viele verschied...
The popularity of voluntourism has grown in the last two decades, as have research and academic deba...
De globala hållbarhetsmålen, antagna år 2015, ska verka för en global satsning för ökad social, ekon...
Denna uppsats uppmärksammar fenomenet volontärturism som anses vara mer utav en välgörande form av r...
A new form of foreign travel called “voluntourism” has emerged in Sweden. In advertisements that inv...
Everywhere you look today people are being drawn, often unawares, into the trend of ‘development’: s...
Over the last decade there has been a rise in ‘volunteer tourism’ or ‘voluntourism,’ which is charac...
Volunteer Tourism is one of the major growth areas in contemporary tourism, where tourists for vario...
This paper analyzes volunteering as a type of travel. On the basis of scientific literature, volunte...
The roots of international voluntary work can be said to stem back to the 19:th century missionary w...
Voluntourism and Capitalism: The Desire to Help and the Desire for Profit Volunteer tourism, or volu...
Helsta markmið rannsóknarinnar er að skoða hvata, markmið, upplifun og áhrif sjálfboðaliðaferðamenns...
Book review: Popular discourse surrounding the booming industry of Volunteer tourism (‘voluntourism’...
In the last twenty years, a growing number of associations has been developing projects on what has ...
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has recently become increasingly important for companies to in...
Heutzutage ist fast jeder Ort auf der Welt touristisch erschlossen und es haben sich viele verschied...
The popularity of voluntourism has grown in the last two decades, as have research and academic deba...
De globala hållbarhetsmålen, antagna år 2015, ska verka för en global satsning för ökad social, ekon...
Denna uppsats uppmärksammar fenomenet volontärturism som anses vara mer utav en välgörande form av r...
A new form of foreign travel called “voluntourism” has emerged in Sweden. In advertisements that inv...
Everywhere you look today people are being drawn, often unawares, into the trend of ‘development’: s...
Over the last decade there has been a rise in ‘volunteer tourism’ or ‘voluntourism,’ which is charac...
Volunteer Tourism is one of the major growth areas in contemporary tourism, where tourists for vario...
This paper analyzes volunteering as a type of travel. On the basis of scientific literature, volunte...
The roots of international voluntary work can be said to stem back to the 19:th century missionary w...
Voluntourism and Capitalism: The Desire to Help and the Desire for Profit Volunteer tourism, or volu...
Helsta markmið rannsóknarinnar er að skoða hvata, markmið, upplifun og áhrif sjálfboðaliðaferðamenns...
Book review: Popular discourse surrounding the booming industry of Volunteer tourism (‘voluntourism’...
In the last twenty years, a growing number of associations has been developing projects on what has ...
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has recently become increasingly important for companies to in...
Heutzutage ist fast jeder Ort auf der Welt touristisch erschlossen und es haben sich viele verschied...