Í lokaverkefni þessu verður fjallað um ábyrgð stjórnenda og framkvæmdastjóra í hlutafélögum að íslenskri dómaframkvæmd. Fjallað verður um eftirlitsskyldur þeirra, háttsemi, skaðabótakröfur og refsiábyrgð þá ef þeir gerast brotlegir í starfi sínu. Með orðalaginu hlutafélög á höfundur við hlutafélög eins og þau birtast í lögum nr. 2/1995. Gerð verður sérstök grein fyrir hvaða skyldum stjórnendur og framkvæmdastjóri ber ábyrgð á innan hlutafélagaformsins. Fjallað verður um trúnaðarskyldu þeirra við hlutafélagið, því ekki virðist hún vera ákvæði í hlutafélagalögum að íslenskum rétti, heldur nokkurs konar óskráð regla félagaréttar. Stjórnendum félaga ber ávallt að sýna félagi sínu hollustu, en það fer eftir félagaformi, því misríkar kröfur eru ...
The purpose of this study is to determine the position, role and responsibilities of the directors o...
Družba z omejeno odgovornostjo je družba, katero lahko ustanovi ena ali več fizičnih ali pravnih ose...
In a company, there is a meeting known as General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), Board of Directors,...
Ábyrgð stjórnarmanna hefur verið mikið í deiglunni síðustu ár og þá sérstaklega eftir efnahagshrunið...
Companies are forms for doing business and represent very important component for human life. Direct...
Limited Liability Company hereinafter referred to as Company is a legal entity which is a capital pa...
A Director in Limited liability company The main reason of my research is a position of a director i...
The aim of this study is to find and analyzes the responsibility of Board of Directors of a Limited ...
Liability of directors of business entities is one of the most important issues of the corporate law...
The topic of this bachelors work is the legal status of a director in a limited liability company. T...
A company is a legal construct with certain identifiable characteristics such as separate legal pers...
In running their duties, the board of directors are given rights and full authority to represent the...
My thesis focuses on one of the fundamental issues of representation of stock corporations by their ...
Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies provides that the Board of Directors is...
At all times the majority of directors, which desired to properly perform and develop activities on ...
The purpose of this study is to determine the position, role and responsibilities of the directors o...
Družba z omejeno odgovornostjo je družba, katero lahko ustanovi ena ali več fizičnih ali pravnih ose...
In a company, there is a meeting known as General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), Board of Directors,...
Ábyrgð stjórnarmanna hefur verið mikið í deiglunni síðustu ár og þá sérstaklega eftir efnahagshrunið...
Companies are forms for doing business and represent very important component for human life. Direct...
Limited Liability Company hereinafter referred to as Company is a legal entity which is a capital pa...
A Director in Limited liability company The main reason of my research is a position of a director i...
The aim of this study is to find and analyzes the responsibility of Board of Directors of a Limited ...
Liability of directors of business entities is one of the most important issues of the corporate law...
The topic of this bachelors work is the legal status of a director in a limited liability company. T...
A company is a legal construct with certain identifiable characteristics such as separate legal pers...
In running their duties, the board of directors are given rights and full authority to represent the...
My thesis focuses on one of the fundamental issues of representation of stock corporations by their ...
Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies provides that the Board of Directors is...
At all times the majority of directors, which desired to properly perform and develop activities on ...
The purpose of this study is to determine the position, role and responsibilities of the directors o...
Družba z omejeno odgovornostjo je družba, katero lahko ustanovi ena ali več fizičnih ali pravnih ose...
In a company, there is a meeting known as General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), Board of Directors,...