Með aðstoð reiknilíkans, hefðbundinna veðurathugana og athugana úr flugvélum eru veðuraðstæður rannsakaðar þegar tvö flugatvik áttu sér stað á Íslandi. Reikningarnir gefa til kynna mikið upp- og niðurstreymi en þó ekki þau aftök sem í raun urðu. Niðurstöðurnar gefa vísbendingu um að eftir nokkru sé að sækjast með því að auka enn nákvæmni reikninga. Athuganir frá sjálfvirkum veðurathugunum gefa til kynna að flest óveður verði þegar vindur stendur af fjöllum en ekki af hafi og að óveður séu tíðari að næturlagi en á daginn.Weather conditions are explored during two flight incidents in Iceland using conventional meteorological data, recordings from the aircrafts and a high resolution numerical model. Although the model simulations show severe c...
Icelandic volcanic emissions have been shown historically and more recently to have an impact on pub...
A satellite image of blowing dust is compared to a simulation of winds during a major erosion event ...
Í desember 2022 skall á ofsaveður hér á landi og í kjölfar þess lenti flugfélagið Icelandair í krísu...
Atmospheric conditions during two weather related aircraft incidents in Iceland and elements of the ...
The weather and climate in Iceland is to a large degree governed by synoptic scale weather systems a...
The dynamics and frequency of northerly windstorms over Iceland in current and possible future clima...
Umferðarslys og umferðaróhöpp eru samfélagslega kostnaðarsöm atvik, bæði fjárhagslega og frá velferð...
The first aircraft-based observations of an Icelandic dust storm are presented. The measurements wer...
Climate change is expected to cause significant changes in meteorological conditions, such as wind i...
For the aviation industry, safety is of utmost importance. To ensure safety the selection of suitabl...
A devastating windstorm in SE-Iceland is studied with the help of observations from automatic weathe...
Wind gusts are parameterized in a numerical weather prediction model using a new method based on con...
Háloftaathuganir eru gerðar yfir Keflavíkurflugvelli og Egilsstaðarflugvelli, með veðurbelgjum sem í...
Abstract: Shallow landslide and debris-flow activity in Iceland is frequent, often causing signific...
Árið 2010 var sett niður sjálfvirk veðurstöð í Hamarsfirði og árið 1998 var sett niður sjálfvirk veð...
Icelandic volcanic emissions have been shown historically and more recently to have an impact on pub...
A satellite image of blowing dust is compared to a simulation of winds during a major erosion event ...
Í desember 2022 skall á ofsaveður hér á landi og í kjölfar þess lenti flugfélagið Icelandair í krísu...
Atmospheric conditions during two weather related aircraft incidents in Iceland and elements of the ...
The weather and climate in Iceland is to a large degree governed by synoptic scale weather systems a...
The dynamics and frequency of northerly windstorms over Iceland in current and possible future clima...
Umferðarslys og umferðaróhöpp eru samfélagslega kostnaðarsöm atvik, bæði fjárhagslega og frá velferð...
The first aircraft-based observations of an Icelandic dust storm are presented. The measurements wer...
Climate change is expected to cause significant changes in meteorological conditions, such as wind i...
For the aviation industry, safety is of utmost importance. To ensure safety the selection of suitabl...
A devastating windstorm in SE-Iceland is studied with the help of observations from automatic weathe...
Wind gusts are parameterized in a numerical weather prediction model using a new method based on con...
Háloftaathuganir eru gerðar yfir Keflavíkurflugvelli og Egilsstaðarflugvelli, með veðurbelgjum sem í...
Abstract: Shallow landslide and debris-flow activity in Iceland is frequent, often causing signific...
Árið 2010 var sett niður sjálfvirk veðurstöð í Hamarsfirði og árið 1998 var sett niður sjálfvirk veð...
Icelandic volcanic emissions have been shown historically and more recently to have an impact on pub...
A satellite image of blowing dust is compared to a simulation of winds during a major erosion event ...
Í desember 2022 skall á ofsaveður hér á landi og í kjölfar þess lenti flugfélagið Icelandair í krísu...