Í ljósi umræðna síðustu misseri um úrsögn Bretlands úr ESB þótti höfundi þessarar BS ritgerðar áhugavert að kanna hvaða lög, reglur og viðmið gilda varðandi það efni. Kynnti höfundur sér því vel gildandi sáttmála ESB svo og alþjóðalög samfara því. Einnig kannaði höfundur þá málsmeðferð sem felst í því ef aðildarríki segir sig úr sambandinu og velti því upp hvernig málum skuli háttað til þess að fullnaðarárangur náist í þeim efnum. Komst höfundur að þeirri niðurstöðu að það getur verið flókið að segja sig úr ESB þó að um slíkt ferli séu ákvæði bæði í gildandi sáttmálum ESB og alþjóðalögum.In light of the recent discussion concerning Britain’s exit (BREXIT) from the European Union, the author consi...
Ar 2016. gada 23. jūnija referendumu Apvienotā Karaliste uzsāka savu izstāšanās procesu no Eiropas S...
(Series Information) European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration, 2022 7(1), 439-464 | Articl...
Lielbritānijai pametot Eiropas Savienību, var rasties neprognozējamas sekas, kas var iedarbosies ga...
Dalībvalstu tiesības izstāties no Eiropas Savienības (ES) nostiprinātas Līguma par Eiropas Savienību...
Easiness with which the political circles talk about withdrawal from the European Union is rather su...
Withdrawal from the EU is no more a taboo subject. However, the process by which it can happen is un...
2009. gada 1. decembrī spēkā stāsies Lisabonas līgums, ar kuru tiks grozīts Līgums par Eiropas Savie...
Öz Birleşik Krallık’da referandum sonucu Avrupa Birliği’nden çıkma kararının alınması ile birlikte ...
Darba ietvaros Autors pēta, kā bēgļu krīze ir ietekmējusi Šengenas zonu un, kā ES un dalībvalstis re...
V magistrskem delu predstavljamo pravico države članice do izstopa iz Evropske unije. V prvem delu s...
Article 50TEU acknowledges the right of Member States to withdraw from the EU, and contains a specif...
Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie trwającego prawie 3 lata procesu wystąpienia Wielkiej Bry...
My bachelor thesis focuses on the legal aspects of a state's withdrawal from the European Union. It ...
The European political map has been constantly changing since the World War II. The Czechoslavakia a...
The 2016 unprecedented decision of the United Kingdom to leave the European Union has deep implicati...
Ar 2016. gada 23. jūnija referendumu Apvienotā Karaliste uzsāka savu izstāšanās procesu no Eiropas S...
(Series Information) European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration, 2022 7(1), 439-464 | Articl...
Lielbritānijai pametot Eiropas Savienību, var rasties neprognozējamas sekas, kas var iedarbosies ga...
Dalībvalstu tiesības izstāties no Eiropas Savienības (ES) nostiprinātas Līguma par Eiropas Savienību...
Easiness with which the political circles talk about withdrawal from the European Union is rather su...
Withdrawal from the EU is no more a taboo subject. However, the process by which it can happen is un...
2009. gada 1. decembrī spēkā stāsies Lisabonas līgums, ar kuru tiks grozīts Līgums par Eiropas Savie...
Öz Birleşik Krallık’da referandum sonucu Avrupa Birliği’nden çıkma kararının alınması ile birlikte ...
Darba ietvaros Autors pēta, kā bēgļu krīze ir ietekmējusi Šengenas zonu un, kā ES un dalībvalstis re...
V magistrskem delu predstavljamo pravico države članice do izstopa iz Evropske unije. V prvem delu s...
Article 50TEU acknowledges the right of Member States to withdraw from the EU, and contains a specif...
Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie trwającego prawie 3 lata procesu wystąpienia Wielkiej Bry...
My bachelor thesis focuses on the legal aspects of a state's withdrawal from the European Union. It ...
The European political map has been constantly changing since the World War II. The Czechoslavakia a...
The 2016 unprecedented decision of the United Kingdom to leave the European Union has deep implicati...
Ar 2016. gada 23. jūnija referendumu Apvienotā Karaliste uzsāka savu izstāšanās procesu no Eiropas S...
(Series Information) European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration, 2022 7(1), 439-464 | Articl...
Lielbritānijai pametot Eiropas Savienību, var rasties neprognozējamas sekas, kas var iedarbosies ga...