fiddles; guitarsCollected by Merlin Mitchell Transcribed by Kyle Perrin Reel 9 Items 6-8 Jim Means (fiddle) Goshen, Ark. November 9, 1949 Biographical Material And Fiddle Pieces Pretty Polly Ann--Fiddle and guitar. Means•• That's about all you want, isn't it? M •••••• That's about enough. Means •• Did you ever hear the California Gold Digger? M•••••• No, let's have it. California Gold Digger--Fiddle and guitar. M •••••• Boy, you worked up a sweat on that one, didn't you? Means.•• I had two or three more pieces and I just tuk my old fiddle and I just rared back and I just done--I just--boy, listen, I just dor.e my very best. And he thought by hooping and hollerin g I really did it. But t.hey--I tell you what--they figgered over there, though...