Collected by Merlin Mitchell Transcribed by Kyle Perrin Reel 9 Items 1-5 Jim Means (fiddle) Goshen, Ark. Biographical Material And Fi dle Pieces November 9, 1949 Means •• I was raised back in the mountains and my family were more or less backward but myself and I never di d care for anything. I've been playing the violin--the fid le for--ever si nee I 'se nine years old. And I never did care to play for thousands of people. Played in lots of contests--traveled and played. Finally settled down-- gitten where I don't take too much interest in it now. M• •••••W ell, how about that time you said you went wild . What did you do then? Means •• Wel , I ha a family. Wife left me and then I went wild for six or seven years , an traveled and played a...