voiceCollected by Mary C . Parler Transcribed by James Lee Sung by Booth Campbell October, 1954 Reel 233, Item 6 (Mick Branigan's Pup) Now kind friends listen for a while, I'll not detain you long, I'll tell you the titles of some very ancient songs, Old Micky Branigan had a bulldog, Down Where the Lillies Grow, Do Not Leave Your Mother Tom, For Mary Kelly's Beau. I'll Tie White Wings and Peekaboo, With a Know of Blue and Grey, I get the Letter that Never Came, Upon Saint Patrick's Day. Come on My Honey, I'm Going Down to the Garden Gate, I'm going to Burn Street Violets, In the Fire in the Grate. I'll Steal the Harp From Tara's Hall, While Walking in the Rain, I'll Take you Home Kathleen, Ere Robins Nest Again. Would Little Annie Rooney, A...