voiceCollected by Mebane Harrison and Tom Wilson For M. C. Parler Transcribed by Mebane Harrison and Tom Wilson Sung by Mrs. T. M. Davis Fayetteville, Arkansas January 17, 1960 Reel 338, Item 14 Arkansas Boys Come all you pretty girls. Will you listen to my noise? Be careful how you spark those Arkansas boys, For all that they have for to eat Is cornbread an"lasses an' 'sassafrass The boys they used to be hearty and gay, For they could work both night and day. Now they look so pale and thin, They rattle like a cornshuck 'shakin' in the wind. The boys they used to wear pantaloons short, For they could do work of every sort; Now they wear them buckled up so tight, The strap was to break It'd throw 'em outa sight. Come all you young men; We'll...