Vaudreil Papers [(LO 54)?] 20 Dec 1745 census of Point Coupee Parish Houmard, Adrienne wife of J.B. Lhotiere , Jean Louis son of Jean Baptiste (deceased) and Anne Marguerite Molet (widow) , Martin, son of same as above Houmard, Marie Marguerite wife of Jean Baptiste [Balquet?] [following 3 blocks of text are crossed out] LAQ 9, 739-41 13 Mar 1738 Succession of Francois Dieudonne Fonder wife Elizabeth Hommart (Omard). He was goldsmith of New Orleans who d. 13 Mar 1738 Francois Caue presented olographic will dtd 17 Feb 1737 LA 22: 251 16 Mar 1753 Nicolas Henry former Greiffier of superior council, who has resolved to retire to France to recover his health, if possible, and to terminate a family succession... 1st Families...