16 Feb 1770 - Marriage Contract - Louis Chauvin, son of Bouis Chauvin and Angelique Perthuys, and Marianne FRANCOEUR, native of Arkansas, daughter of Joseph FRANCOEUR, mother's name unknown. (LHQ Vol# 6, p 313; Belting, Natalie M., "Kaskaskis Under the French Regime" (III. Studies in the Social Sciences, Vol XXIX. No. 3). U. of III. Press. 1948 - Appendix p 87) 20 May 1770 -(ibid, p 130) - Demazelliers from Arkansas...Permission granted to M. Marsero to marry one of the girls of Mrs. Francoeur at Punta Contada. (Note by DJC: This was a period of great unrest among the Indians and much correspondence concerning during the changeover from French to Spanish rule in the Mississippi Valley.) No Date (ibid, p 135) - "The River Hunt...