Experimental short film created for the unit FTV10009 Experimental Screen Production
‘Wait.’ is a 2.5D animated short film that combines 3D rendered backgrounds with 2D animated chara...
“Harvest” is an abstract short animation film which depicts the unintended consequences of intensive...
Abstract Film clips are an important tool for evoking emotional responses in the laboratory. When co...
A specially commissioned short film exploring the issue of emotion regulation. The film was made in ...
As emotion science has matured, the palette of viable emotion elicitation techniques has grown. Incr...
This work deals with the relation of emotions to contemporary experimental animation. It engages in ...
“Affinity” is a one minute and thirty five seconds (excluding credits) experimental animation short....
“Lavender” is an experimental short film. The project explores surrealist interpretation of life in ...
Emotion researchers have long use clips from commercial movies to experimentally elicit emotional st...
Entering the era of information, video has become a popular form of media to convey human’s emotions...
A collection of garments that draw on experience and emotional triggers, tested through non verbal p...
Chant en couleur is a short experimental animation in which material has been directly glued to the ...
International audienceInnovative art forms emerge along with the development of new materials for di...
Requiem is a VFX short film set in the dystopic future where criminals fight for their freedom again...
Krátký experimentální film o dívce trpící jistým druhem sociální fobie, ze které se snaží osvobodit....
‘Wait.’ is a 2.5D animated short film that combines 3D rendered backgrounds with 2D animated chara...
“Harvest” is an abstract short animation film which depicts the unintended consequences of intensive...
Abstract Film clips are an important tool for evoking emotional responses in the laboratory. When co...
A specially commissioned short film exploring the issue of emotion regulation. The film was made in ...
As emotion science has matured, the palette of viable emotion elicitation techniques has grown. Incr...
This work deals with the relation of emotions to contemporary experimental animation. It engages in ...
“Affinity” is a one minute and thirty five seconds (excluding credits) experimental animation short....
“Lavender” is an experimental short film. The project explores surrealist interpretation of life in ...
Emotion researchers have long use clips from commercial movies to experimentally elicit emotional st...
Entering the era of information, video has become a popular form of media to convey human’s emotions...
A collection of garments that draw on experience and emotional triggers, tested through non verbal p...
Chant en couleur is a short experimental animation in which material has been directly glued to the ...
International audienceInnovative art forms emerge along with the development of new materials for di...
Requiem is a VFX short film set in the dystopic future where criminals fight for their freedom again...
Krátký experimentální film o dívce trpící jistým druhem sociální fobie, ze které se snaží osvobodit....
‘Wait.’ is a 2.5D animated short film that combines 3D rendered backgrounds with 2D animated chara...
“Harvest” is an abstract short animation film which depicts the unintended consequences of intensive...
Abstract Film clips are an important tool for evoking emotional responses in the laboratory. When co...