AbstrakBagi anak angkat atau (adopsi) yang ditinggal mati oleh salah orang tua angkatnya maka anak adopsi tersebut tidak berhak atas suatu warisan, hal ini dikarenakan tidak adanya pengaturan yang mengatur tentang hak waris tentang anak angkat (adopsi) baik dalam segi hukum islam maupun dari segi hukum perdata. Hal tersebut menciptakan anggapan bahwa adanya unsur ketidak adilan mengenai bagian warisan terhadap anak angkat. Untuk menjawab anggapan tersebut maka KHI melalui Inpres RI Nomor 1 tahun 1991 (Pasal 209 KHI), yaitu memberikan perlindungan dan jaminan terhadap hak waris bagi anak angkat (adopsi) yaitu wasiat wajibah, dengan ketentuan itu maka orang tua angkat boleh memberikan sebagian warisannya kepada anak angkat dengan batas tidak ...
This paper aims to compare the three sistems of law on the status of adopted children by using norma...
The author wants to show that in Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection, clearly and in d...
Kedudukan anak angkat dan hak-haknya dalam kewarisan sering menjadi masalah dalam masyarakat. Islam ...
AbstrakBagi anak angkat atau (adopsi) yang ditinggal mati oleh salah orang tua angkatnya maka anak a...
AbstractThe issue of adoption has been determined in Islamic law and civil law. Where both legal ins...
Adoption on the initial basis is the adoption of a child that results in the adoption of anadopted c...
Both of Islam and Hindu have regulated in detail the issues of inheritance. If the two are compared,...
One way to protect children is child adoption, which means embracing a child to the family by which ...
This research was written with the background to find out how Islamic law responds to the issue of a...
AbstrakKetentuan hukum positif mengatur bahwa anak angkat mempunyai kedudukan yang sama dengan anak ...
In this age, Islam faces huge, complicated problems that demand creative responses especially throug...
One of the main goals of marriage is to connect offspring. But not all married couples can have chil...
This essay reveal about the procedure of adoption (adoption) in accordance with Islamic law and the ...
Abstrak: Konsep pengangkatan anak dalam hukum Islâm tidak mengenal pengangkatan anak dalam arti menj...
Protection of the rights of adopted children in the matter of property inheritance in the perspectiv...
This paper aims to compare the three sistems of law on the status of adopted children by using norma...
The author wants to show that in Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection, clearly and in d...
Kedudukan anak angkat dan hak-haknya dalam kewarisan sering menjadi masalah dalam masyarakat. Islam ...
AbstrakBagi anak angkat atau (adopsi) yang ditinggal mati oleh salah orang tua angkatnya maka anak a...
AbstractThe issue of adoption has been determined in Islamic law and civil law. Where both legal ins...
Adoption on the initial basis is the adoption of a child that results in the adoption of anadopted c...
Both of Islam and Hindu have regulated in detail the issues of inheritance. If the two are compared,...
One way to protect children is child adoption, which means embracing a child to the family by which ...
This research was written with the background to find out how Islamic law responds to the issue of a...
AbstrakKetentuan hukum positif mengatur bahwa anak angkat mempunyai kedudukan yang sama dengan anak ...
In this age, Islam faces huge, complicated problems that demand creative responses especially throug...
One of the main goals of marriage is to connect offspring. But not all married couples can have chil...
This essay reveal about the procedure of adoption (adoption) in accordance with Islamic law and the ...
Abstrak: Konsep pengangkatan anak dalam hukum Islâm tidak mengenal pengangkatan anak dalam arti menj...
Protection of the rights of adopted children in the matter of property inheritance in the perspectiv...
This paper aims to compare the three sistems of law on the status of adopted children by using norma...
The author wants to show that in Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection, clearly and in d...
Kedudukan anak angkat dan hak-haknya dalam kewarisan sering menjadi masalah dalam masyarakat. Islam ...