This study examines the potential of Coix lacryma jobi commonly known as Job tears as a wetland plant, and the effect of short Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT) and loading rates on the treatment efficiency of a vertical flow constructed wetland. Effluents from an anaerobic lagoon system were collected and used as influents for the constructed wetlands. The influents were subjected to 3, 5 and 7 days HRT and 43.73 and 19.91 m3/m2/day loading rate, over a period of 6 weeks. Results from the study shows that the control cell in the system was effective in the removal of phosphorus, (PO4), Ammonia, Ammonium, COD, TDS, DO, and TSS at the higher HRT of 7 days. Similarly, the level of treatment increased as a result of higher HRT, except for the pH...
A greenhouse laboratory-scale experiment was conducted at the Department of Civil Engineering, Ladok...
Pilot scale studies were conducted to determine the performance of a subsurface horizontal flow cons...
This study is focused on the investigation of three different types of plant species namely; Narrow ...
This study examines the potential of Coix lacryma jobi commonly known as Job tears as a wetland plan...
We evaluated the effect of four hydraulic retention times (HRT, 0.3, 0.8, 2.3, and 9.3 days) on poll...
The practice of treating municipal wastewater at low cost prior to its disposal is continually gaini...
A laboratory-scale free water surface-flow constructed wetland was set up at the Department of Civil...
Constructed wetlands have gained much importance for treating domestic, industrial and agricultural ...
Wastewater treatment has given an immense attention in the field of pollution control throughout the...
The treatment efficiency of a wetland system requires a balance between pollutant loading rate and h...
The study aimed to investigate the efficiency of piggery wastewater treatment by the surface flow co...
Highly contaminated municipal wastewater is being disposed of into land and rivers without any prior...
Natural wetlands use plants to absorb and break down harmful pathogens and water pollutants. This pr...
Purpose: This study aims to investigate the hydraulic behaviour of a pilot-scale, two-staged, vertic...
AIM: The limnological characteristics of three different inlets water of the constructed wetland wer...
A greenhouse laboratory-scale experiment was conducted at the Department of Civil Engineering, Ladok...
Pilot scale studies were conducted to determine the performance of a subsurface horizontal flow cons...
This study is focused on the investigation of three different types of plant species namely; Narrow ...
This study examines the potential of Coix lacryma jobi commonly known as Job tears as a wetland plan...
We evaluated the effect of four hydraulic retention times (HRT, 0.3, 0.8, 2.3, and 9.3 days) on poll...
The practice of treating municipal wastewater at low cost prior to its disposal is continually gaini...
A laboratory-scale free water surface-flow constructed wetland was set up at the Department of Civil...
Constructed wetlands have gained much importance for treating domestic, industrial and agricultural ...
Wastewater treatment has given an immense attention in the field of pollution control throughout the...
The treatment efficiency of a wetland system requires a balance between pollutant loading rate and h...
The study aimed to investigate the efficiency of piggery wastewater treatment by the surface flow co...
Highly contaminated municipal wastewater is being disposed of into land and rivers without any prior...
Natural wetlands use plants to absorb and break down harmful pathogens and water pollutants. This pr...
Purpose: This study aims to investigate the hydraulic behaviour of a pilot-scale, two-staged, vertic...
AIM: The limnological characteristics of three different inlets water of the constructed wetland wer...
A greenhouse laboratory-scale experiment was conducted at the Department of Civil Engineering, Ladok...
Pilot scale studies were conducted to determine the performance of a subsurface horizontal flow cons...
This study is focused on the investigation of three different types of plant species namely; Narrow ...