This letter was written on August 11, 1966 to Peter V. Karpovich from Alexander Naimon, the Assistant Chief of the Legal Office of the Department of the Army. The letter states that Naimon has enclosed copies of the United States Letters Patent No. 3,258,007. That patent was issued on June 28, 1966 to Peter V. Karpovich and George P. Karpovich for an improvement in a rotary electrogoniometer for measuring the rotation of the forearm. The two men filed for the patent on July 19, 1963.Peter V. Karpovich (1896-1975) was born in Russia and trained as a medical doctor at the State Military Academy of Medicine in Petrograd (St. Petersburg), Russia in 1919. Under increasing political and professional turmoil, he fled to Latvia in 1922. In Latvia, ...