Circle K and K-Dettes "To serve, cooperate, develop citizenship, providean opportunity for leadership training, render altruistic service" - -these are a few of thegoals of the Bismarck Junior College Circle K club. Operating under the auspices of Circle K International and sponsored by Kiwanis Inter-national, the club carries on many service ac-tivities throughout the school year. Row 1 - Mary Ann Goetz, Mary Ann Enge lter, Elayne Saba, andMary Jean Becker. Row 2 - Jean Teskey, LavonnBoehm, Pat Sym, Maxine Tebelius, Jacquelin Padilla, and Elizabeth Mickelson. Row 3 - Linda Swanson, Mary Kay Gallagher, Cletus Reis, Beth Sather, Sherry Brower, Sandy Johnson, and LindaKanan. Row 4 - Karen Anderson, Jeanne Schroedl, JeanDanroth, Daphne Morm an...