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Consisting of twenty-five se-lected members, B.J.C.'s Circle-K has been an active group on the cam-pus for four years. Headed by President McCormack, Circle-K will have to-taled over four hundred hours of service to campus and community. Among its projects of the year were the following: sponsoring the Homecoming Dance, ticket-taking at sports activities, and a clothes drive for the State Industrial School. Through these end e a v 0 r s Circle-K has lived up to its motto of It service. It FRONT ROW: C. Kuehn, R. Eisenbarth, W. BaileY,M. Fettig, D. Weisz, M. LaLonde, F. Rosenau. MIDDLE ROW: W. Shaw, D. Kemmit, A. Richter, R. Axtman, C. Keller, J. Oshanyk, J. Lengenfelder. BACK ROW: T. Kwako, T. Hegstrom, K. Pautszke, R. Peterson, M. McCormac...

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