" lESLEY FELLOWSHIP W. Coots, M. Stee, S. McDonald, S. Towne, J. Berger, W. Bothner, L. Blattner, J. fields. Sue McDonald, Student Counci I Representative; Shir-ley Towne, Publicity Chairman; Mary Lou Stee, Music Director; Janice Berger, President. Wesley Fellowship is a new organi-zation this year, and although a small group, it hopes to grow in future years. Its aim is to promote better Christian living among the Methodist students at Bismarck Junior College. Janice Berger heads the organization with the assistance of Lawrence Blattner, Vlce- Presjdent and Wilbert Coats, Secretary- Treasurer. The meetings, consisting of wor-ship, discussion, and recreation, are held every two weeks on Wednesday night