To face the problems faced in adolescent life required adversity quotient (fighting power). Adversity quotient is an important understanding of what teenagers need to achieve success that is the ability to survive and face difficulties in every problem. This ability will only be owned by individuals who have the ability to take control and respond to a difficulty or pressure positively. In addition it also needs emotional maturity so that teenagers reach the level of emotional development and no longer display the childish emotional patterns. A mature teenager develops a good value system, proper self-concept and has stable emotional behavior. The purpose of this research is to know the difference of adversity quotient and emotional maturit...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan efikasi diri dengan adversity quotient pada siswa ke...
Salah satu penentu bagi individu agar dinyatakan berhasil menempuh pendidikan di perguruan tinggi ad...
INDONESIA: Penyesuaian sosial pada remaja akhir merupakan tahap peralihan menuju periode dewasa d...
To face the problems faced in adolescent life required adversity quotient (fighting power). Adversit...
One of the objectives of national education is establishing a formidable human being and character. ...
Adolescence is a unique time in the phase of teenage life, where a person who has entered adolescenc...
Adversity Quotient adalah respon individu terhadap kesulitan yang dihadapi, yaitu berupa respon yan...
Adversity Quotient (AQ) is one of the probable indicators of a person’s success in life. It is usefu...
Abstract, Emotional maturity, self-concept, and juvenile delinquency examined on 120 middle adolesce...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat Adversity Quotient mahasiswa PGMI Universitas Is...
World’s current conditions which are full of uncertainties, threats, dangers and other problems lead...
The implementation of higher education is expected to create the outstanding young generation. There...
This research main goals is to know the influence of an adversity quotient, emotional quotient and s...
Prestasi akademik siswa tidak terlepas dari usahanya dalam menghadapi setiap hambatan atau masalah u...
Emotionol maturity, self-concept, and juvenile delinquency examined on 120 middle adolescents. Resea...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan efikasi diri dengan adversity quotient pada siswa ke...
Salah satu penentu bagi individu agar dinyatakan berhasil menempuh pendidikan di perguruan tinggi ad...
INDONESIA: Penyesuaian sosial pada remaja akhir merupakan tahap peralihan menuju periode dewasa d...
To face the problems faced in adolescent life required adversity quotient (fighting power). Adversit...
One of the objectives of national education is establishing a formidable human being and character. ...
Adolescence is a unique time in the phase of teenage life, where a person who has entered adolescenc...
Adversity Quotient adalah respon individu terhadap kesulitan yang dihadapi, yaitu berupa respon yan...
Adversity Quotient (AQ) is one of the probable indicators of a person’s success in life. It is usefu...
Abstract, Emotional maturity, self-concept, and juvenile delinquency examined on 120 middle adolesce...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat Adversity Quotient mahasiswa PGMI Universitas Is...
World’s current conditions which are full of uncertainties, threats, dangers and other problems lead...
The implementation of higher education is expected to create the outstanding young generation. There...
This research main goals is to know the influence of an adversity quotient, emotional quotient and s...
Prestasi akademik siswa tidak terlepas dari usahanya dalam menghadapi setiap hambatan atau masalah u...
Emotionol maturity, self-concept, and juvenile delinquency examined on 120 middle adolescents. Resea...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan efikasi diri dengan adversity quotient pada siswa ke...
Salah satu penentu bagi individu agar dinyatakan berhasil menempuh pendidikan di perguruan tinggi ad...
INDONESIA: Penyesuaian sosial pada remaja akhir merupakan tahap peralihan menuju periode dewasa d...