The Jesuit missionary from Portugal, Francisco Furtado (1587-1653), with help of Li Zhizao (1565-1630), published the Huan You Quan, Chinese version of the Commentary of De Caelo of Aristotle in Hangzhou in 1628, which intended to introduce once again the heliocentric, Aristotelian cosmology into China. The first introduction of it had been made by Matthew Ricci (1543-1610) in 1604, with the publication of the Qiankun Tiyi, Chinese version of Commentary of the Sphere of Sacrobosco by Clavius. At that time, in Beijing, the imperial high official, Xu Guangqi (1562-1633) just started the official introduction of the Tychonic astronomical system in order to prepare the delayed calendrical reform for the Ming dynasty. The enterprise was supporte...