Pompekellc Forest Reserve is a small urban forest in the heart of Ratnapuratown ill the lowland,' ..of southwestern Sr! Lanka. In a phvtoecological survey,woodv plants ofmore than 5 em dbh were enumerated in samples ofthe hilltop.mid-slope and valley. Species richness, diversity, evenness, dominance andimportance-value indices were calculated A total or 116 species were found,belonging to 3H families. Species diversity and evenness were higher on thehilltop than in the valley. Species dominance was higher in the valley than onthe hilltop 0/1(1 mid-slope. Trees or the Apocynaceae, Celastraccac,Dilleniaceae, Leguminosae, and Moraceae were prominent throughout.,..e.•p.arate communities were identified for the hilltop, mid-slope and valley.Ende...