Udawattakele forest is a national heritage of Sri Lanka which has rich flora and fauna. Thereare about 460 plant species including 135 tree species and 11 liana species. of which 9species are endemic to Sri Lanka. When considering floristic composition of Udawattakclcit is dominated hy Swictenia macrophvlla (mahogany), Michelin c/WIIIP({('{{ (gini-sapu),Mesua [errea (na) and Mvroxvlon balsamum (kana kumanchal). Senadheru (1997) hasreported that Myroxylon balsanium has become invasive in some parts of the forest. Theobjectives of this investigation was to estimate the invasive behaviour of Mvroxvlonbulsanium at Udawattake!c forest reserve.Plots of 10 m x 15 m were used for sampling of ovcrsrory vegetation and 10 rn x 10 III plotswere used fo...