The article investigates the Slavic translation of Byzantine metaphors in liturgical hymns, as testified in East-Slavic manuscripts of the daily menaion from the 11th to 13th century. The investigation demonstrates that this did occasionaly give rise to the distortion of images, for example due to the change in gender from the initial Greek lexeme to its Slavic equivalent (λυχνία – свѣтильникъ), due to misunderstandings of special Greek termini (ὁλοκαύτωμα, ἀγωνοθέτης) or to imprecisions in translating names of particular realia like musical instruments or flowers. But on the whole the Slavic translators adequately reproduced their Greek model texts, even if their imagery was borrowed from thematic fields less familiar to Slavic culture. Es...
The article focuses on German-Ukrainian relations prof. Y. Boykо-Blokhin with politicians, heads of ...
The article in question is an attempt to read Russian fantasy genre by female authors Jelena Chajec...
Afanasy Fet is considered a poet who was able to gather and communicate in his poems the most delic...
The article investigates the Slavic translation of Byzantine metaphors in liturgical hymns, as testi...
Tratamentul de lungă durată în condiţii neadecvate de control al infecţiei este un factor de risc ma...
Культурологическое понятие «коммуникативной памяти» является вопросом лингвистики текста, демонстрир...
XIX век был решающим для формирования бóльшей части славянских литературных языков. Для некоторых из...
În acest articol este relatată viaţa şi activitatea ilustrului om Chiril Draganiuc, unul dintre spec...
The liturgical calendar of Bulgarian Catholics indicates that November 17th is a feast reminding of ...
Seit dem letzten Jahrhundert gewinnt die japanische Kurzpoesie in Russland an Popularität; in der Ge...
Studiul a fost axat pe studierea a 40 de pacienţi cu angor pectoral stabil, dintre care 28 de bărbaţ...
În acest articol se descrie procesele de îmbătrânire a populaţiei ce au devenit un fenomen global, l...
The article discusses the topic of truth and lie in the narration of, and the world depicted in Ant...
Arbeitsübersetzung aus dem Russischen (Volltext), Angefügt die Originalfassung in Russisch (Volltext...
Wasyl Masciuch, the catholic of an Eastern Catholic Church of the Byzantine tradition, the doctor of...
The article focuses on German-Ukrainian relations prof. Y. Boykо-Blokhin with politicians, heads of ...
The article in question is an attempt to read Russian fantasy genre by female authors Jelena Chajec...
Afanasy Fet is considered a poet who was able to gather and communicate in his poems the most delic...
The article investigates the Slavic translation of Byzantine metaphors in liturgical hymns, as testi...
Tratamentul de lungă durată în condiţii neadecvate de control al infecţiei este un factor de risc ma...
Культурологическое понятие «коммуникативной памяти» является вопросом лингвистики текста, демонстрир...
XIX век был решающим для формирования бóльшей части славянских литературных языков. Для некоторых из...
În acest articol este relatată viaţa şi activitatea ilustrului om Chiril Draganiuc, unul dintre spec...
The liturgical calendar of Bulgarian Catholics indicates that November 17th is a feast reminding of ...
Seit dem letzten Jahrhundert gewinnt die japanische Kurzpoesie in Russland an Popularität; in der Ge...
Studiul a fost axat pe studierea a 40 de pacienţi cu angor pectoral stabil, dintre care 28 de bărbaţ...
În acest articol se descrie procesele de îmbătrânire a populaţiei ce au devenit un fenomen global, l...
The article discusses the topic of truth and lie in the narration of, and the world depicted in Ant...
Arbeitsübersetzung aus dem Russischen (Volltext), Angefügt die Originalfassung in Russisch (Volltext...
Wasyl Masciuch, the catholic of an Eastern Catholic Church of the Byzantine tradition, the doctor of...
The article focuses on German-Ukrainian relations prof. Y. Boykо-Blokhin with politicians, heads of ...
The article in question is an attempt to read Russian fantasy genre by female authors Jelena Chajec...
Afanasy Fet is considered a poet who was able to gather and communicate in his poems the most delic...