Since the second half of the 19th century, the administrative reforms of the Ottoman Empire were reflected in Latakia, a town in the west of Syria, The city was also a coast-harbour, Latakia had humane importance with its inhabitants living in the mountains stretching to the East. Especially, the second element has played a role in establishing a sanjak administration in the rural-provincial center of the Empire. An administrative arrangement based on the sanjak organization in 1880 in Latakia was found necessary for the execution of military and financial obligations and the state’s desire to establish authority in this region. By these measures, the Ottoman administration aimed to control the “disobedient” population that live on the mou...
Camiler, İslam dininin inançları gereği, namaz ibadeti başta olmak üzere insanların bireysel veya to...
Birinci Dünya Savaşı sona ermesi üzerine Osmanlı Devleti ve İtilaf Devletleri arasında Mondros Ateş...
The invention of photography has an important role in our lives with the industrial revolution and i...
With the expansion of the religious rights of non-Muslim Ottoman citizens by the reforms of 1839 an...
Enstitü Yönetim Kurul Kararı gereği tezimin 6 ay süreyle erişime açılmaması hususunda gereğini rica ...
Tarih boyunca birçok medeniyete kaynaklık etmiş ve önemli bir kavşak noktasında bulunan Mısır; Osman...
Yüksek Lisans TeziMisyon, misyoner, misyonerlik kavramları; yabancı ülkelerin Osmanlı topraklarında ...
With the agreements of Ankara, France had a mandate to the Sanjak of Iskenderun. Fifteen years later...
“Qizilbash” concept was first used in particular for those who are not known, has an important place...
Depending on the political developments from the XIXth century, like many places of the world, Anato...
Bu çalışmada, III. Murat Döneminde Divan-ı Hümâyûn gündeminde osmanlı köyü ve köylüsü mühimme defte...
This thesis is a study of the Ottoman attempts to control its frontiers and the frontier populations...
It was a passageway, an attraction center with its Middle East Mesopotamia which is among the import...
Education is one of the unique ways for reaching the level of contemporary civilizations. With this ...
Yüksek Lisans TeziBu tez çalışmasında Türkiye Cumhuriyeti vatandaşı olan Süryani Kadimlerin Osmanlı'...
Camiler, İslam dininin inançları gereği, namaz ibadeti başta olmak üzere insanların bireysel veya to...
Birinci Dünya Savaşı sona ermesi üzerine Osmanlı Devleti ve İtilaf Devletleri arasında Mondros Ateş...
The invention of photography has an important role in our lives with the industrial revolution and i...
With the expansion of the religious rights of non-Muslim Ottoman citizens by the reforms of 1839 an...
Enstitü Yönetim Kurul Kararı gereği tezimin 6 ay süreyle erişime açılmaması hususunda gereğini rica ...
Tarih boyunca birçok medeniyete kaynaklık etmiş ve önemli bir kavşak noktasında bulunan Mısır; Osman...
Yüksek Lisans TeziMisyon, misyoner, misyonerlik kavramları; yabancı ülkelerin Osmanlı topraklarında ...
With the agreements of Ankara, France had a mandate to the Sanjak of Iskenderun. Fifteen years later...
“Qizilbash” concept was first used in particular for those who are not known, has an important place...
Depending on the political developments from the XIXth century, like many places of the world, Anato...
Bu çalışmada, III. Murat Döneminde Divan-ı Hümâyûn gündeminde osmanlı köyü ve köylüsü mühimme defte...
This thesis is a study of the Ottoman attempts to control its frontiers and the frontier populations...
It was a passageway, an attraction center with its Middle East Mesopotamia which is among the import...
Education is one of the unique ways for reaching the level of contemporary civilizations. With this ...
Yüksek Lisans TeziBu tez çalışmasında Türkiye Cumhuriyeti vatandaşı olan Süryani Kadimlerin Osmanlı'...
Camiler, İslam dininin inançları gereği, namaz ibadeti başta olmak üzere insanların bireysel veya to...
Birinci Dünya Savaşı sona ermesi üzerine Osmanlı Devleti ve İtilaf Devletleri arasında Mondros Ateş...
The invention of photography has an important role in our lives with the industrial revolution and i...