This study aims to describe: 1) Implementation of BTQ extracurricular activities in instilling the character of discipline and responsibility 2) Teacher constraints and BTQ extracurricular implementation 3) Teachers' efforts in overcoming BTQ extracurricular implementation problems This type of research is qualitative research. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. The informants of this research are the principal, BTQ extracurricular supervisor, BTQ teacher, class IV homeroom teacher and class IV student who joins BTQ extracurricular activities. Data were analyzed through steps of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion conclusion. The technique of checking data uses source triangulat...
ABSTRACT Sutardjo. Q. 100150066. Tittlele “Implementation of Dicipline Character for Students in SM...
Character education is education that instills and develops character in students, applies and pract...
Characters are the values of human behavior associated with the One Almighty God, ourselves, our fel...
Extracurricular activities are held to talent and interest development sites and also as character f...
Many news on social media or incidents around us such as students brawl, promiscuity, alcohol and dr...
The purpose of this research was to see the implementation of discipline character in instructional ...
This study aims to explain: 1) preparation, 2) organization, 3) implementation, and 4) assessment of...
The purpose of study is to describe management of disciplinary character and responsibility in extr...
This research aims to analyse (1) the implementation of the character value formation Gotong royong ...
Pramuka extracurricular has been implemented in SD Negeri Kauman 3 Malang, and called as character b...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali, mengkaji, dan mendiskripsikan pelaksanaan pen- didikan kara...
Based on observations and interviews with the Principal of SD Taman Muda 02 Malang on 9th November, ...
The purpose of this research is to describe (1) dance extracurricular planning in instilling discipl...
The purpose of this research are: 1) To describe the concept of Discipline management (management) c...
In the fact that the scout extracurricular activities is for students, this activity is used as an e...
ABSTRACT Sutardjo. Q. 100150066. Tittlele “Implementation of Dicipline Character for Students in SM...
Character education is education that instills and develops character in students, applies and pract...
Characters are the values of human behavior associated with the One Almighty God, ourselves, our fel...
Extracurricular activities are held to talent and interest development sites and also as character f...
Many news on social media or incidents around us such as students brawl, promiscuity, alcohol and dr...
The purpose of this research was to see the implementation of discipline character in instructional ...
This study aims to explain: 1) preparation, 2) organization, 3) implementation, and 4) assessment of...
The purpose of study is to describe management of disciplinary character and responsibility in extr...
This research aims to analyse (1) the implementation of the character value formation Gotong royong ...
Pramuka extracurricular has been implemented in SD Negeri Kauman 3 Malang, and called as character b...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali, mengkaji, dan mendiskripsikan pelaksanaan pen- didikan kara...
Based on observations and interviews with the Principal of SD Taman Muda 02 Malang on 9th November, ...
The purpose of this research is to describe (1) dance extracurricular planning in instilling discipl...
The purpose of this research are: 1) To describe the concept of Discipline management (management) c...
In the fact that the scout extracurricular activities is for students, this activity is used as an e...
ABSTRACT Sutardjo. Q. 100150066. Tittlele “Implementation of Dicipline Character for Students in SM...
Character education is education that instills and develops character in students, applies and pract...
Characters are the values of human behavior associated with the One Almighty God, ourselves, our fel...