Straipsnyje pateikiami stambiauogių (amerikietiškųjų) spanguolių veislių ir klonų sezoninio vystymosi daugiamečių stebėjimų duomenys, atsparumo klimatiniams faktoriams įvertinimas ir produktyvumo charakteristika – uogų masė, derlingumasCultivation of American (large-fruited) cranberry in plantations is becoming an important field of agricultural business in some European countries in recent years. Introduction of American cranberry in Lithuania started in 1963. Since this time the largest collection of American cranberry has been collected at the Kaunas Botanical Garden of Vytautas Magnus University. Long-time investigation and evaluation of the introduced cranberry cultivars showed that the cultivar ‘Ben Lear’ and hybrids BL (BL-6, BL-8, B...
In Lithuania, the genetic resources of fruit crops are mainly concentrated, preserved and studied at...
Žuvinto rezervate 1996 ir 1999 m. buvo atrinkti ir aprašyti paprastosios spanguolės (Vaccinium oxyco...
Annotation. The total area of the plantations of cultivated cranberries in Latvia is continually gro...
VDU Kauno botanikos sode atlikti stambiauogės spanguolės Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton veislių ir klon...
In order to optimize collection strategy and improve economically important peculiarities of Vaccini...
European cranberry is found in raised bogs but drainage of the swamps during soviet times caused the...
Tyrimų metu įvertintos VDU Kauno botanikos sodo kolekcijoje auginamų paprastojo putino veislių 'Kras...
European cranberry Vaccinium oxyccocos L. was widely spread in Lithuania till the sixth decade of th...
ISSN 2029-4549 (online)Paprastoji spanguolė Vaccinium oxycoccos L. - Lietuvoje ir kitose Europos šal...
Paprastasis putinas (Viburnum opulus L.) yra vienintelė Lietuvoje auganti putinų genties rūšis. Apie...
The USA is the world largest producer of cranberies. Nowadays its two hundred year experience in cra...
Clones of wild cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccos) were selected and described in reserve Žuvintas in 19...
Blueberry though one of the most valuable berry plants is limited in its occurrence in Lithuania. On...
Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto (VDU) Kauno botanikos sode buvo tiriami pusiau aukštaūgių šilauogių sė...
In this work for the first time the genetic variability of wild cranberries of Vytautas Magnus Unive...
In Lithuania, the genetic resources of fruit crops are mainly concentrated, preserved and studied at...
Žuvinto rezervate 1996 ir 1999 m. buvo atrinkti ir aprašyti paprastosios spanguolės (Vaccinium oxyco...
Annotation. The total area of the plantations of cultivated cranberries in Latvia is continually gro...
VDU Kauno botanikos sode atlikti stambiauogės spanguolės Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton veislių ir klon...
In order to optimize collection strategy and improve economically important peculiarities of Vaccini...
European cranberry is found in raised bogs but drainage of the swamps during soviet times caused the...
Tyrimų metu įvertintos VDU Kauno botanikos sodo kolekcijoje auginamų paprastojo putino veislių 'Kras...
European cranberry Vaccinium oxyccocos L. was widely spread in Lithuania till the sixth decade of th...
ISSN 2029-4549 (online)Paprastoji spanguolė Vaccinium oxycoccos L. - Lietuvoje ir kitose Europos šal...
Paprastasis putinas (Viburnum opulus L.) yra vienintelė Lietuvoje auganti putinų genties rūšis. Apie...
The USA is the world largest producer of cranberies. Nowadays its two hundred year experience in cra...
Clones of wild cranberry (Vaccinium oxycoccos) were selected and described in reserve Žuvintas in 19...
Blueberry though one of the most valuable berry plants is limited in its occurrence in Lithuania. On...
Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto (VDU) Kauno botanikos sode buvo tiriami pusiau aukštaūgių šilauogių sė...
In this work for the first time the genetic variability of wild cranberries of Vytautas Magnus Unive...
In Lithuania, the genetic resources of fruit crops are mainly concentrated, preserved and studied at...
Žuvinto rezervate 1996 ir 1999 m. buvo atrinkti ir aprašyti paprastosios spanguolės (Vaccinium oxyco...
Annotation. The total area of the plantations of cultivated cranberries in Latvia is continually gro...