Freedom of movement of persons in the EU has been built progressively since the foundation of the European Economic Community. Its success and fruits are incontestable, and it is considered as an exemplary model of European integration. Nevertheless, the favourite right of EU citizens has been questioned since a decade and its future development is undermined by different fears. Two main categories of fears can be identified: the economic fear and the threat to national public policy. The first category includes mainly the fear of abuse of social assistance by EU inactive migrants or solely their absence of sufficient financial resources. Hosting Member States are consequently fearing unreasonable burdens for their national budget. The seco...
As the union, which pulls together 27 countries and has a strong historical background, European Uni...
The refugee/immigration movement to EU countries - whether legal or illegal - is a fact that cannot ...
This paper examines the causes of prominent radical political options and behaviors that are alread...
This paper describes a phenomenon as a migration crisis in Europe, which has intensified in 2015 an...
The necessity of the single migration- and terrorism-related legal policy development within the Eur...
Že od razvoja človeštva je človek podvržen migracijam, bodisi iz radovednosti, želje po spremembi in...
Priėmus ES Sutartį ir įvedus ES pilietybę, nebeįmanoma ES piliečių statuso ir jų turimų teisių atvyk...
This master’s thesis analyzes the European Union polices on irregular migration with a focus on the ...
SAŽETAKOvaj završni rad opisuje jednu od četiri temeljne slobode EU, slobodu kretanja ljudi u EU. Pr...
Rad se bavi migrantskom krizom koja je zahvatila Europsku uniju 2015. godine zbog njezine nepripre...
Šajā darbā aplūkoti Eiropas Savienības Līgumos noteiktie un no Eiropas Savienības tiesas prakses izr...
Od vstopa Republike Slovenije v Evropsko unijo se policija in sodišča v praksi pogosto srečujejo s p...
Šengenski režim jedna je od najkonkretnijih tekovina Europske unije kojom je omogućen slobodan proto...
The purpose of this paper is examination of the current dimensions of the freedom of movement of per...
U ovom radu raspravlja se o migracijskoj politici koja se razvija u Europskoj uniji, o tome koliko j...
As the union, which pulls together 27 countries and has a strong historical background, European Uni...
The refugee/immigration movement to EU countries - whether legal or illegal - is a fact that cannot ...
This paper examines the causes of prominent radical political options and behaviors that are alread...
This paper describes a phenomenon as a migration crisis in Europe, which has intensified in 2015 an...
The necessity of the single migration- and terrorism-related legal policy development within the Eur...
Že od razvoja človeštva je človek podvržen migracijam, bodisi iz radovednosti, želje po spremembi in...
Priėmus ES Sutartį ir įvedus ES pilietybę, nebeįmanoma ES piliečių statuso ir jų turimų teisių atvyk...
This master’s thesis analyzes the European Union polices on irregular migration with a focus on the ...
SAŽETAKOvaj završni rad opisuje jednu od četiri temeljne slobode EU, slobodu kretanja ljudi u EU. Pr...
Rad se bavi migrantskom krizom koja je zahvatila Europsku uniju 2015. godine zbog njezine nepripre...
Šajā darbā aplūkoti Eiropas Savienības Līgumos noteiktie un no Eiropas Savienības tiesas prakses izr...
Od vstopa Republike Slovenije v Evropsko unijo se policija in sodišča v praksi pogosto srečujejo s p...
Šengenski režim jedna je od najkonkretnijih tekovina Europske unije kojom je omogućen slobodan proto...
The purpose of this paper is examination of the current dimensions of the freedom of movement of per...
U ovom radu raspravlja se o migracijskoj politici koja se razvija u Europskoj uniji, o tome koliko j...
As the union, which pulls together 27 countries and has a strong historical background, European Uni...
The refugee/immigration movement to EU countries - whether legal or illegal - is a fact that cannot ...
This paper examines the causes of prominent radical political options and behaviors that are alread...