3-D Modelling and Experimental Applications of Thermal Plasmas (RF and Transferred Arc) for Waste Treatment Processes V. Colombo, E. Ghedini Dipartimento di Ingegneria delle Costruzioni Meccaniche, Nucleari, Aeronautiche e di Metallurgia (DIEM) and Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca per le Applicazioni della Matematica (CIRAM), Università di Bologna, Via Saragozza 8, 40123 Bologna, Italy. A three-dimensional model for the simulation of inductively coupled (RF) plasma torches (ICPTs) and for DC transferred arc ones working at atmospheric pressure has been developed at the University of Bologna, using customized CFD commercial code FLUENT©. For what concerns ICPTs, the helicoidal coil is taken into account in its actual 3-D shape, ...