Different technical and statistical methods and indicators which are usually applied separately are used in market trend analysis. Some of the fundamental principles in technical analysis, as well as a great part of the quantitative indicators are not popular enough. There are unsettled issues regarding the change in the information indicators during the market trend and one can find unexploited potential in the analytical methods, which sets up a necessity for a more thorough and comprehensive study of the primary exchange indicators. Therefore, we propose a comprehensive methodology of market trend analysis, which integrates the signal functions of exchange indicators, statistical variation and frequency volatility by specifying their cha...
The article explains and represents a practical usage of the most popular means of technical analys...
The object of this dissertation is to investigate some of the more recent concepts and methods of t...
The main goal of this thesis is to show to the readers the possibilies of analysing Foreing Exchange...
Anticipating and analyzing the stock market and the price movement is a challenging task as the natu...
The oscillators (indicators), capturing the price changes of shares, currencies, indexes and other i...
V diplomski nalogi ugotavljamo uporabnost indikatorjev tehnične analiz pri napovedi trendov na borzn...
Speculators exert more and more influence on prices on world exchange markets. Often the result of t...
The topic is technical analysis, which is widely used in business practice in foreign exchange marke...
A Research project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor B...
[[abstract]]Owing to the dynamic changes of the stock market and numerous influences on stock prices...
Includes bibliographical references (pages 86-89)This study attempts to categorize and relate behavi...
In a chaotic and confusing place as world of investing is, the practitioners, who operate on markets...
The goal of this diploma work is aplication of technical analysis indicators, especially trend indic...
This paper comprises a study of the general indicators used for the overall evaluation of the perfor...
The algorithmic stock trading has developed exponentially in the past years, while the automatism of...
The article explains and represents a practical usage of the most popular means of technical analys...
The object of this dissertation is to investigate some of the more recent concepts and methods of t...
The main goal of this thesis is to show to the readers the possibilies of analysing Foreing Exchange...
Anticipating and analyzing the stock market and the price movement is a challenging task as the natu...
The oscillators (indicators), capturing the price changes of shares, currencies, indexes and other i...
V diplomski nalogi ugotavljamo uporabnost indikatorjev tehnične analiz pri napovedi trendov na borzn...
Speculators exert more and more influence on prices on world exchange markets. Often the result of t...
The topic is technical analysis, which is widely used in business practice in foreign exchange marke...
A Research project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor B...
[[abstract]]Owing to the dynamic changes of the stock market and numerous influences on stock prices...
Includes bibliographical references (pages 86-89)This study attempts to categorize and relate behavi...
In a chaotic and confusing place as world of investing is, the practitioners, who operate on markets...
The goal of this diploma work is aplication of technical analysis indicators, especially trend indic...
This paper comprises a study of the general indicators used for the overall evaluation of the perfor...
The algorithmic stock trading has developed exponentially in the past years, while the automatism of...
The article explains and represents a practical usage of the most popular means of technical analys...
The object of this dissertation is to investigate some of the more recent concepts and methods of t...
The main goal of this thesis is to show to the readers the possibilies of analysing Foreing Exchange...