This paper reports on the successive improvements introduced in the shunt switches fabricated with the RF MEMS multiuser technology platform available at FBK-irst. In the course of a multiyear development several technological features and design methods have been made available to enhance the operation of capacitive switches. This work analyzes their effects by reviewing the behaviour of the FBK-irst capacitive switches at three different stages of this optimization process. Improvements have been assessed by means of DC electromechanical characterizations, which use a simple quasistatic C-V measurement to extract the switch actuation voltage and the capacitance in the on and off states (Con and Coff) and RF measurements. The addition of a...
This dissertation presents designs, fabrication processes and measurements of a series of high perfo...
The purpose of this paper is to design and characterize electrostatically actuated RF MEMS capacitiv...
Abstract—This paper presents design of an electrostatic wide band shunt capacitive coupling RF MEMS ...
Abstract. This paper reports on the successive improvements introduced in the shunt switches fabrica...
characteristics of MEMS capacitive shunt switches, International review on modelling and simulations...
This paper reports on the enhancements introduced into the ITC-irst RF MEMS multi-user fabrication p...
Shunt capacitive radio-frequency microelectromechanical system (RF MEMS) switches were fabricated on...
RF-MEMS is a promising technology that has the potential to revolutionize RF and microwave system im...
This paper is about, the design and analysis of shunt capacitive RF MEMS switch with less actuation ...
RF MEMS switches are used in many applications and also can be used to achieve reconfigurability of ...
RF MEMS switches can be used to achieve reconfigurability of various RF systems and in particularly ...
This paper reports on novel RF-MEMS capacitive switching devices implementing an electricallyfloatin...
This paper presents the design, optimization and simulation of a radio frequency (RF) micro-electrom...
Shunt capacitive radio-frequency microelectromechanical (RF MEMS) switches were modelled, fabricated...
Micro electromechanical system (MEMS) shunt capacitive switches behave chiefly as a capacitor at bot...
This dissertation presents designs, fabrication processes and measurements of a series of high perfo...
The purpose of this paper is to design and characterize electrostatically actuated RF MEMS capacitiv...
Abstract—This paper presents design of an electrostatic wide band shunt capacitive coupling RF MEMS ...
Abstract. This paper reports on the successive improvements introduced in the shunt switches fabrica...
characteristics of MEMS capacitive shunt switches, International review on modelling and simulations...
This paper reports on the enhancements introduced into the ITC-irst RF MEMS multi-user fabrication p...
Shunt capacitive radio-frequency microelectromechanical system (RF MEMS) switches were fabricated on...
RF-MEMS is a promising technology that has the potential to revolutionize RF and microwave system im...
This paper is about, the design and analysis of shunt capacitive RF MEMS switch with less actuation ...
RF MEMS switches are used in many applications and also can be used to achieve reconfigurability of ...
RF MEMS switches can be used to achieve reconfigurability of various RF systems and in particularly ...
This paper reports on novel RF-MEMS capacitive switching devices implementing an electricallyfloatin...
This paper presents the design, optimization and simulation of a radio frequency (RF) micro-electrom...
Shunt capacitive radio-frequency microelectromechanical (RF MEMS) switches were modelled, fabricated...
Micro electromechanical system (MEMS) shunt capacitive switches behave chiefly as a capacitor at bot...
This dissertation presents designs, fabrication processes and measurements of a series of high perfo...
The purpose of this paper is to design and characterize electrostatically actuated RF MEMS capacitiv...
Abstract—This paper presents design of an electrostatic wide band shunt capacitive coupling RF MEMS ...