The bird material of the present study has been collected mainly in the layer III of J. Virmont's excavations. It suggests a cold highland climate in a landscape of rocks and grasslands.Les oiseaux étudiés ici proviennent principalement du niveau III des fouilles de J. Virmont. Ils indiquent un climat froid de type montagnard et un environnement de rochers et d'espaces découverts.Mourer-Chauviré Cécile. Les oiseaux du gisement de Cottier à Retournac (Haute-Loire). In: Nouvelles archives du Muséum d'histoire naturelle de Lyon, tome 14, 1976. pp. 41-42
Volume de résumés : 31-32The study of large Ungulates found in Mousterian “charentian” layers show o...
The rodents fauna from la Fage shows the variation of landscapes and climates at the end of the midd...
The rodents of Biache-Saint-Vaast (Northern France) point out a locality near a river in the vicinit...
The bird material of the present study has been collected mainly in the layer III of J. Virmont's ex...
The sedimentological study reveals that the site is formed under a cold and wet climate. Netherthele...
The great faun of the cave of Cottier suggests a cold and dry climate in a highland landscape.La gra...
The birds of Jaurens cave are mainly reprensented by alpine choughs (Pyrrhocorax graculus ) which se...
The cluster analysis applied to birds coming from French Middle and Upper Pleistocene localities all...
The comparison of results gathered through the studying of the implements and fauna, as well as by m...
Birds remains are extremely abundant in the site of «La Fage ». From the systematic viewpoint statis...
The resuming of digging on the prehistorical site of Cottier from 1967 to 1971 has shown evidence of...
The deposits of La Baume de Gigny include a rich and varied avifauna (69 species), spreading over pr...
Chimney openings are traps for the fauna living in the country. Very often they contain complete and...
The place of Ioton (Beaucaire, Gard) may be considered as an open-air divellling and referred to Wür...
The avifauna of the «Grotte du Salpêtre» comes mainly from the layer la, dating from 9900 ± 200 year...
Volume de résumés : 31-32The study of large Ungulates found in Mousterian “charentian” layers show o...
The rodents fauna from la Fage shows the variation of landscapes and climates at the end of the midd...
The rodents of Biache-Saint-Vaast (Northern France) point out a locality near a river in the vicinit...
The bird material of the present study has been collected mainly in the layer III of J. Virmont's ex...
The sedimentological study reveals that the site is formed under a cold and wet climate. Netherthele...
The great faun of the cave of Cottier suggests a cold and dry climate in a highland landscape.La gra...
The birds of Jaurens cave are mainly reprensented by alpine choughs (Pyrrhocorax graculus ) which se...
The cluster analysis applied to birds coming from French Middle and Upper Pleistocene localities all...
The comparison of results gathered through the studying of the implements and fauna, as well as by m...
Birds remains are extremely abundant in the site of «La Fage ». From the systematic viewpoint statis...
The resuming of digging on the prehistorical site of Cottier from 1967 to 1971 has shown evidence of...
The deposits of La Baume de Gigny include a rich and varied avifauna (69 species), spreading over pr...
Chimney openings are traps for the fauna living in the country. Very often they contain complete and...
The place of Ioton (Beaucaire, Gard) may be considered as an open-air divellling and referred to Wür...
The avifauna of the «Grotte du Salpêtre» comes mainly from the layer la, dating from 9900 ± 200 year...
Volume de résumés : 31-32The study of large Ungulates found in Mousterian “charentian” layers show o...
The rodents fauna from la Fage shows the variation of landscapes and climates at the end of the midd...
The rodents of Biache-Saint-Vaast (Northern France) point out a locality near a river in the vicinit...