Sabatierite, Cu6TlSe4, is orthorhombic (indexing of powder pattern) with a = 3.986 ; b = 5.624 ; c = 9.778 Å ; Z = 1 ; the calculated specific gravity is 6.78 g/cm3. The strongest lines in the powder pattern are : 3.987 (5), 3.089 (10), 2.706 (7), 2.525 (5), 2.445 (6), 1.991 (7), 1.847 (6), 1-673 (5) Å. Average composition from microprobe analyses : Cu 42.71 ; T1 22.44 ; Se 34.57, total 99.72 %, giving a formula Cu6.06Tl0.99Se3.95. In reflected light it is bluish gray in colour with slightly cream tint. Reflectivity values : 33.2-31.0 (420) ; 32.2-29.5 (500) ; 30.6-27.9 (540) ; 27.2-25.3 (600) ; 21.6-21.3 (700 nm). Strongly anisotropic with undulatory extinction. Microhardness (Vickers) : 54 ± 7 kg/mm2. Found in Bukov ore deposit, Moravia, ...
Ludjibaïte occurs on red micaceous shale at Ludjiba, Zaire, in association with pseudomalachite and ...
The new mineral species ferrostalderite, CuFe2TlAs2S6, was discovered in the Lengenbach quarry, Binn...
Schlemaite, with the simplified formula (Cu,)6(Pb,Bi)Se4, is a new mineral species from the Niedersc...
Sabatierite, Cu6TlSe4, is orthorhombic (indexing of powder pattern) with a = 3.986 ; b = 5.624 ; c =...
Bukovite, Cu₃₊ₓ.Tl₂FeSe₄₋ₓ was found at the Bukov and Petrovice (Moravia) ore deposits and in the de...
Permingeatite, Cu₃SbSe₄, a new selenide of the luzonite-germanite group was found in Predborice, Boh...
The new mineral hakite is cubic, isotype of tetrahedrite, with : a = 10.88 ± 0.01 Å ; Z = 8 ; Gcalc....
Petrovicite is orthorhombic, Pnam or Pna2₁, a₀ = 16.176 ; b₀ = 14.684 ; c₀ = 4.331 Å, Z = 4 ; G[calc...
Abstract. Natural crookesite from Skrikerum, Sweden, is slightly copper-deficient (TICu6.SSe4) as co...
Krutaite was found in the Petrovice ore deposit, in Moravia, Czechoslovakia. Isometric, isostructura...
Derriksite, Cu₄ (UO₂) (SeO₃)₂ (OH)₆ • H₂O found in Musonoi, Katanga, is orthorhombic, Pnmm or Pnm2 ;...
International audienceEldragónite, with the simplified formula Cu6BiSe4(Se2), is a new mineral speci...
Luxembourgite, ideally AgCuPbBi4Se8, is a new selenide discovered at Bivels, Grand Duchy of Luxembou...
Petříčekite, ideally CuSe2, is a new mineral from the Předbořice deposit, Central Bohemia Region, Cz...
Henryite is a new mineral from the Campbell orebody, Bisbee, Arizona, U.S.A. In plane-polarized refl...
Ludjibaïte occurs on red micaceous shale at Ludjiba, Zaire, in association with pseudomalachite and ...
The new mineral species ferrostalderite, CuFe2TlAs2S6, was discovered in the Lengenbach quarry, Binn...
Schlemaite, with the simplified formula (Cu,)6(Pb,Bi)Se4, is a new mineral species from the Niedersc...
Sabatierite, Cu6TlSe4, is orthorhombic (indexing of powder pattern) with a = 3.986 ; b = 5.624 ; c =...
Bukovite, Cu₃₊ₓ.Tl₂FeSe₄₋ₓ was found at the Bukov and Petrovice (Moravia) ore deposits and in the de...
Permingeatite, Cu₃SbSe₄, a new selenide of the luzonite-germanite group was found in Predborice, Boh...
The new mineral hakite is cubic, isotype of tetrahedrite, with : a = 10.88 ± 0.01 Å ; Z = 8 ; Gcalc....
Petrovicite is orthorhombic, Pnam or Pna2₁, a₀ = 16.176 ; b₀ = 14.684 ; c₀ = 4.331 Å, Z = 4 ; G[calc...
Abstract. Natural crookesite from Skrikerum, Sweden, is slightly copper-deficient (TICu6.SSe4) as co...
Krutaite was found in the Petrovice ore deposit, in Moravia, Czechoslovakia. Isometric, isostructura...
Derriksite, Cu₄ (UO₂) (SeO₃)₂ (OH)₆ • H₂O found in Musonoi, Katanga, is orthorhombic, Pnmm or Pnm2 ;...
International audienceEldragónite, with the simplified formula Cu6BiSe4(Se2), is a new mineral speci...
Luxembourgite, ideally AgCuPbBi4Se8, is a new selenide discovered at Bivels, Grand Duchy of Luxembou...
Petříčekite, ideally CuSe2, is a new mineral from the Předbořice deposit, Central Bohemia Region, Cz...
Henryite is a new mineral from the Campbell orebody, Bisbee, Arizona, U.S.A. In plane-polarized refl...
Ludjibaïte occurs on red micaceous shale at Ludjiba, Zaire, in association with pseudomalachite and ...
The new mineral species ferrostalderite, CuFe2TlAs2S6, was discovered in the Lengenbach quarry, Binn...
Schlemaite, with the simplified formula (Cu,)6(Pb,Bi)Se4, is a new mineral species from the Niedersc...