At the Sub-station at Leon, Decatur County, conducted by the Soil Section of the Iowa Experiment Station, clover was sown on the series of oat plots in the spring of 1905, some of the plots being treated with stable manure. It was noted during the season that the manured plots had the best stand, and much the best growth of clover. This is not a new discovery, but the cause seems to be a matter of speculation and conjecture. Clover is an important crop in Iowa, and is especially needed in that part of the State to supply lost humus and restore productiveness. Furthermore, it is often very difficult to get a good stand there especially on the points and clay hillsides
The data so far obtained are insufficient to warrant conclusions as to what is true as a rule. This ...
During the winter of 1924-25 the Soils Department of Iowa State College received a number of soil sa...
To make a good lawn or, a productive garden, the soil must be reasonably fertile or be made so by sp...
Preliminary tests made by the Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station of Hubam, the annual white sweet ...
The value of the clovers in a system of farming has been known for centuries. The peoples of our ear...
Red clover, the old standby rotation legume of our fathers and grandfathers, was shoved back a few y...
This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current i...
For the purpose of ascertaining what plants can be grown in Iowa to come into use between clover and...
The soil-enriching effect of the growth of clover and other legumes has been recognized from the ear...
Soil inoculation is the introduction of certain desirable bacteria Into the soil. As a practice It i...
Extension circular 169 contains information about common red clover in Nebraska some topics include:...
The rotation of crops and the use of manure have frequently been shown to be important in maintainin...
Use of adapted strains of red clover is highly important in getting top yields of forage and seed. H...
The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service periodically issues revisions to its publications. The mo...
Green manuring puts humus into the soil and that makes it an important farm practice, because humus ...
The data so far obtained are insufficient to warrant conclusions as to what is true as a rule. This ...
During the winter of 1924-25 the Soils Department of Iowa State College received a number of soil sa...
To make a good lawn or, a productive garden, the soil must be reasonably fertile or be made so by sp...
Preliminary tests made by the Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station of Hubam, the annual white sweet ...
The value of the clovers in a system of farming has been known for centuries. The peoples of our ear...
Red clover, the old standby rotation legume of our fathers and grandfathers, was shoved back a few y...
This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current i...
For the purpose of ascertaining what plants can be grown in Iowa to come into use between clover and...
The soil-enriching effect of the growth of clover and other legumes has been recognized from the ear...
Soil inoculation is the introduction of certain desirable bacteria Into the soil. As a practice It i...
Extension circular 169 contains information about common red clover in Nebraska some topics include:...
The rotation of crops and the use of manure have frequently been shown to be important in maintainin...
Use of adapted strains of red clover is highly important in getting top yields of forage and seed. H...
The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service periodically issues revisions to its publications. The mo...
Green manuring puts humus into the soil and that makes it an important farm practice, because humus ...
The data so far obtained are insufficient to warrant conclusions as to what is true as a rule. This ...
During the winter of 1924-25 the Soils Department of Iowa State College received a number of soil sa...
To make a good lawn or, a productive garden, the soil must be reasonably fertile or be made so by sp...