碩士[[abstract]]本篇論文主要是運用基因演算法與移動漸近線法來尋求搭載行動電話基地台太陽能飛機於最低能量消耗下的最佳外型與巡航速度。最佳化的過程中,將飛機的函數用展弦比、翼面積及巡航速度參數化。隨著參數化的結果,建立基因演算法與移動漸近線法的最佳化問題和限制條件,進而搜索最低能量運作時的最佳結果。太陽能飛機搭載的基地台重量為12kg、消耗的能量為125W、基地台正常運作下的飛行高度為5000公尺。最佳化的結果,搭載行動電話基地台太陽能飛機之展弦比為36.93,翼面積為5.8562m,總質量為38.3766kg,最低能量消耗下的巡航速度為7.769ms。[[abstract]]This paper presents the use of genetic algorithm and method of moving asymptotes to optimize the size and cruise speed of a solar-powered unmanned aerial vehicle equipped with mobile phone base station. The function of the aircraft is then parameterized as three performance parameters: aspect ratio of wing and wing reference area and cruise speed. With the parameterization results, the establishment of genetic algorithms and method of moving asymptot...