[[abstract]]本文旨在探討高鐵連續橋受到高速列車通過之振動反應行為,文中將以具有等跨的均勻連續橋作為探討對象。藉由以梁構件對橋樑的模擬,及將列車載重則視為一序列的移動力量,我們便可透過解析及有限元素法的方式,來計算連續橋受列車作用的共振速度及衝擊反應。從本研究果顯示,當連續梁的跨數愈多時,其頻率分佈將愈為密集,於是橋梁被激發出來的主共振尖峰數目也將愈多;然而卻也因為橋梁鄰跨對振動能量的傳遞效應,使得愈多跨數的連續橋,其衝擊反應卻反而相對地下降。 In this paper, the vibration of continuous bridges subjected to the passage of high-speed trains is studied. Only the bridges with uniform spans are considered and the train moving over a bridge is modeled as a series of moving loads. According to the resonant formula of simple beams to moving loads, the effect of multiple resonant peaks for continuous bridges subjected to high-speed trains can be determined by analogy method. Based on the finite element method, the effect of the number of spans on the impact resp...