[[abstract]]本稿為民國97學年度與98學年度期間,進行兩次的遠距學術交流之實踐報告。為驗證視訊會議系統運用於教育及研究交流之有效性,交流會透過了台日雙方的發表以及各個具有獨創性內容之討論等,讓參加者彼此刺激、相互學習,藉以培養新生代研究員為目的。從兩次的遠距學術交流當中獲得相當的成果,更因此認定確實一定的成效。而且不只是運用於第二語言習得研究能有所成效,日後若能將遠距系統有效地運用於其他文學科系領域,想必會更具活潑性,其必要性肯定會提高。[[abstract]]This is a study on the two distant academic exchange events that took place during 2009-2010. These events incorporated original publications released by Taiwanese and Japanese academics to validate the effect of video conferencing systems on academic and research exchange. Their expectation was that participants would benefit from one another through such contact, and hoped to cultivate the next generation of research fellows. Significant results have been reaped from these two exchange events, which furt...