Thursday 4th July - Talks I & Trainings Proteomics & Metabolomics. Moderator: P. Jagtap Thursday 4th July - Talks I & Trainings Proteomics & Metabolomics. Moderator: P. JagtapThursday 4th July - Talks I & TrainingsProteomics & Metabolomics. Moderator: P. JagtapThe Workflow4Metabolomics (W4M) project aims to develop full LC/MS, GC/MS, FIA/MS and NMR pipelines using Galaxy framework for dataanalysis including preprocessing, normalization, quality control, statistical analysis and annotation steps. Our current developments aim to provide a set of interactive visualization tools in order to make ease the results interpretations. The development of Shiny applications will allows interactions from graphical features and dataset filters with graph...