Tutkimuksen tarkoitus: Psykoosiriskiä on tutkittu paljon viime vuosikymmeninä ja erilaisia menetelmiä psykoosin ennustamiseen on kehitetty ja otettu kliiniseen käyttöön. Noin kolmannes niistä, joiden on arvioitu olevan korkeassa psykoosiriskissä, sairastuu psykoosiin. Psykoosiriskitutkimuksissa on kuitenkin usein tutkittu vain niitä joilla jo epäillään psykoosia, joten tuloksia ei voi suoraan yleistää muihin populaatioihin. Olemassaolevia psykoosiriskin arviointimenetelmiä on pyritty viime vuosina kehittämään ja myös uusia ennustemalleja on esitetty. Tämän lisäksi on esitetty, että psykoosin sijaan voisi olla mielekkäämpää keskittyä esimerkiksi toimintakyvyn muutoksien ennustamiseen. Replikaatio- ja validointitutkimusten puute on suuri onge...
Amaç: Bir çocuk psikiyatrisi polikliniğine başvuran çocuk veergenlerin değerlendirilmesi ve bu grupt...
Psykologisten häiriöiden kehittymiseen on erilaisia teorioita, jotka pohjautuvat tutkimukseen tai te...
BACKGROUND: An accurate risk prediction algorithm could improve psychosis outcomes by reducing durat...
Psychosis is usually preceded by a prodromal period. This phase is characterized by psychotic-like s...
Tavoite. Vaimentuneet psykoosin positiiviset oireet, kuten aistivääristymät ja harhaluuloiset ajatuk...
Objectives. Functioning impairments as an outcome for severe mental disorders have been well establi...
Objective. Based on previous studies, foster care adolescents placed due to behavioral problems have...
Abstract Psychotic disorders usually become evident during adolescence and early adulthood and are ...
Background: Psychosis is a severe mental disorder requiring specialized care in psychiatric services...
Tavoitteet. Psykoottistyyppisten kokemusten tiedetään lisäävän riskiä psykoosisairauksien ja muiden ...
Amaç: Psikotik bozukluk geliştirmedikleri halde psikoz riski taşıdığı düşünülen bireylerde şizofreni...
Objectives. The loss of insight is a consistent feature of psychotic illness. In prior studies low i...
Abstract Study samples in medical research are selected according to the objectives of the studies....
Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the association between adolescent substance use ...
Abstract The aim of this study was to explore the prognosis and predictors of outcomes in DSM-III-R...
Amaç: Bir çocuk psikiyatrisi polikliniğine başvuran çocuk veergenlerin değerlendirilmesi ve bu grupt...
Psykologisten häiriöiden kehittymiseen on erilaisia teorioita, jotka pohjautuvat tutkimukseen tai te...
BACKGROUND: An accurate risk prediction algorithm could improve psychosis outcomes by reducing durat...
Psychosis is usually preceded by a prodromal period. This phase is characterized by psychotic-like s...
Tavoite. Vaimentuneet psykoosin positiiviset oireet, kuten aistivääristymät ja harhaluuloiset ajatuk...
Objectives. Functioning impairments as an outcome for severe mental disorders have been well establi...
Objective. Based on previous studies, foster care adolescents placed due to behavioral problems have...
Abstract Psychotic disorders usually become evident during adolescence and early adulthood and are ...
Background: Psychosis is a severe mental disorder requiring specialized care in psychiatric services...
Tavoitteet. Psykoottistyyppisten kokemusten tiedetään lisäävän riskiä psykoosisairauksien ja muiden ...
Amaç: Psikotik bozukluk geliştirmedikleri halde psikoz riski taşıdığı düşünülen bireylerde şizofreni...
Objectives. The loss of insight is a consistent feature of psychotic illness. In prior studies low i...
Abstract Study samples in medical research are selected according to the objectives of the studies....
Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the association between adolescent substance use ...
Abstract The aim of this study was to explore the prognosis and predictors of outcomes in DSM-III-R...
Amaç: Bir çocuk psikiyatrisi polikliniğine başvuran çocuk veergenlerin değerlendirilmesi ve bu grupt...
Psykologisten häiriöiden kehittymiseen on erilaisia teorioita, jotka pohjautuvat tutkimukseen tai te...
BACKGROUND: An accurate risk prediction algorithm could improve psychosis outcomes by reducing durat...