Předmětem bakalářské práce je popsání vlivu dlouhodobého skladování polymerem modifikovaných asfaltů při teplotě 180 °C na jejich vlastnosti. V teoretické části bude popsána podstata modifikace pojiv a postup zkoušek penetrace jehlou, bodu měknutí, vratné duktility a dynamické viskozity v DSR. V praktické části budou vyhodnoceny a porovnány změny vlastností pěti zkoušených modifikovaných pojiv v průběhu skladování.Subject of this bachelor’s thesis is to describe the influence of long-term storage of polymer modified bitumen at temperature of 180 °C on their properties. The principle of binder modification and test procedure of needle penetration, softening point, elastic recovery and dynamic viscosity in DSR will be explained in the theoret...
AbstractIn this study, a polymer which have a content of 80% wasted polypropylene and other material...
W artykule opisano metodę pomiaru właściwości wysokotemperaturowych asfaltów stosowaną do oceny rodz...
The addition of polymer to a base binder has been documented as a successful approach in terms of im...
Subject of this bachelor’s thesis is to describe the influence of long-term storage of polymer modif...
Diplomová práce se zabývá vlastnostmi nízkoteplotních polymerem modifikovaných asfaltů. Teoretická č...
The diploma thesis is focused on polymer modified binders with different polymer doses. The theoreti...
This bachelor thesis deals with problematics of polymer modified binders specially designed for prod...
Zaradi vedno večjih cestnih in klimatskih obremenitev osnovni cestogradbeni bitumen ne zadošča več z...
In this bachelor thesis, there are described modified bitumens. The issue of modified bitumens will ...
Polymer-modified bitumen (PMB) is bitumen that has been specifically engineered with polymer for pro...
Diplomová práce se zabývá vlivem různého dávkování R-materiálu obsahujícího modifikovaný asfalt na v...
Polymer modified bitumen is a binder obtained by the incorporation of various types of polymers in b...
Bu çalışmada epoksi reçine ile modifiye edilen bitümler üzerinde kısa süreli yaşlanmanın etkisi araş...
Subject of this diploma thesis is to describe the effect of adding different amount of aged binder r...
© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. This paper is aimed to obtain polymer binder bitume...
AbstractIn this study, a polymer which have a content of 80% wasted polypropylene and other material...
W artykule opisano metodę pomiaru właściwości wysokotemperaturowych asfaltów stosowaną do oceny rodz...
The addition of polymer to a base binder has been documented as a successful approach in terms of im...
Subject of this bachelor’s thesis is to describe the influence of long-term storage of polymer modif...
Diplomová práce se zabývá vlastnostmi nízkoteplotních polymerem modifikovaných asfaltů. Teoretická č...
The diploma thesis is focused on polymer modified binders with different polymer doses. The theoreti...
This bachelor thesis deals with problematics of polymer modified binders specially designed for prod...
Zaradi vedno večjih cestnih in klimatskih obremenitev osnovni cestogradbeni bitumen ne zadošča več z...
In this bachelor thesis, there are described modified bitumens. The issue of modified bitumens will ...
Polymer-modified bitumen (PMB) is bitumen that has been specifically engineered with polymer for pro...
Diplomová práce se zabývá vlivem různého dávkování R-materiálu obsahujícího modifikovaný asfalt na v...
Polymer modified bitumen is a binder obtained by the incorporation of various types of polymers in b...
Bu çalışmada epoksi reçine ile modifiye edilen bitümler üzerinde kısa süreli yaşlanmanın etkisi araş...
Subject of this diploma thesis is to describe the effect of adding different amount of aged binder r...
© Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. This paper is aimed to obtain polymer binder bitume...
AbstractIn this study, a polymer which have a content of 80% wasted polypropylene and other material...
W artykule opisano metodę pomiaru właściwości wysokotemperaturowych asfaltów stosowaną do oceny rodz...
The addition of polymer to a base binder has been documented as a successful approach in terms of im...