Title: Mala prostonarodna slaveno-serbska pjesnarica (Little Slavo-Serbian song book of the common people) Originally published: Vienna, Johan Schnirer, 1814 Language: ‘Slavo-Serbian,’ an artificial literary language of the eighteenth century, resulting from the fusion of Church Slavonic and the vernacular spoken by Serbian merchants in Vojvodina and in the Ottoman Empire The excerpts used are from the modern edition: Sabrana dela Vuka Karadžića, vol. I (Belgrade: Prosveta, 1965), pp. 40–44. ..
Title: Nárečja slovenskuo alebo potreba písaňja v tomto nárečí (The Slovak dialect, or the necessity...
Folksong was an important phenomenon in the formation of Slovak national music in the nineteenth cen...
Title: “Epski čovek” ili Jesmo li mi anahronizam u Evropi? (Epic man, or are we an anachronism in Eu...
Title: Izgrađivanje Nove Srbije kao seljačke države (The building of New Serbia as a peasant state) ...
Title: Sloga Srbo-Hrvata (The agreement of Serbs and Croats) Originally published: The first publica...
Title: Slaves du Sud ou le peuple Serbe avec les Croates et les Bulgares (South Slavs, or the Serbia...
Title: Srpski narod kao Teodul (The Serbian nation as a servant of God) Originally published: writte...
Title: Vostani Serbie (Rise, O Serbia) Originally published: Venice, Pane Theodosios, 1804 Language:...
This paper deals with philological characteristics of the alphabet book written by Gavril Stefanović...
Title: Slovan a Čech (The Slav and the Czech) Originally published: First published in Pražské novin...
In our time Church Slavonic is a “language without native speakers,” but it is not in all respects a...
Title: Slovak ako národné indivíduum (The Slovak as a national individuality) Originally published: ...
ENGLISH: The Tartu University Library, which contains more than five million volumes, was establishe...
During the historical development the larger part of the south Slavs (Slovenes, Croats, partly the S...
Title: Slovenci inJugoslovani (The Slovenes and the Yugoslavs) Originally published: a lecture at th...
Title: Nárečja slovenskuo alebo potreba písaňja v tomto nárečí (The Slovak dialect, or the necessity...
Folksong was an important phenomenon in the formation of Slovak national music in the nineteenth cen...
Title: “Epski čovek” ili Jesmo li mi anahronizam u Evropi? (Epic man, or are we an anachronism in Eu...
Title: Izgrađivanje Nove Srbije kao seljačke države (The building of New Serbia as a peasant state) ...
Title: Sloga Srbo-Hrvata (The agreement of Serbs and Croats) Originally published: The first publica...
Title: Slaves du Sud ou le peuple Serbe avec les Croates et les Bulgares (South Slavs, or the Serbia...
Title: Srpski narod kao Teodul (The Serbian nation as a servant of God) Originally published: writte...
Title: Vostani Serbie (Rise, O Serbia) Originally published: Venice, Pane Theodosios, 1804 Language:...
This paper deals with philological characteristics of the alphabet book written by Gavril Stefanović...
Title: Slovan a Čech (The Slav and the Czech) Originally published: First published in Pražské novin...
In our time Church Slavonic is a “language without native speakers,” but it is not in all respects a...
Title: Slovak ako národné indivíduum (The Slovak as a national individuality) Originally published: ...
ENGLISH: The Tartu University Library, which contains more than five million volumes, was establishe...
During the historical development the larger part of the south Slavs (Slovenes, Croats, partly the S...
Title: Slovenci inJugoslovani (The Slovenes and the Yugoslavs) Originally published: a lecture at th...
Title: Nárečja slovenskuo alebo potreba písaňja v tomto nárečí (The Slovak dialect, or the necessity...
Folksong was an important phenomenon in the formation of Slovak national music in the nineteenth cen...
Title: “Epski čovek” ili Jesmo li mi anahronizam u Evropi? (Epic man, or are we an anachronism in Eu...