Title: Nárečja slovenskuo alebo potreba písaňja v tomto nárečí (The Slovak dialect, or the necessity of writing in this dialect) Originally published: Pressburg, Wigand, 1846 Language: Slovak The excerpts used are from Ľudovít Štúr, Dielo v piatich zväzkoch, vol. V, (Bratislava: SVKL, 1957), pp. 24–114. About the author Ľudovít Štúr [1815, Uhrovec (Hun. Zayugróc, present-day Slovakia) – 1856, Modra (Hun. Modor, Ger. Modern, present-day Slovakia)]: poet, politician, linguist and journalist. He..
Title: Szózat a magyar és szláv nemzetiség ügyében (Oration on the matter of the Hungarian and Slavi...
The Rusyn language in Slovakia was codified in 1995 on the basis of the country’s two most prevalent...
The paper examines the Rusyn dialect spoken in the village of Komlóska and the surrounding region in...
Title: Slovak ako národné indivíduum (The Slovak as a national individuality) Originally published: ...
Title: Dnešný stav a vývoj slovenskej kultúry (The current state and development of Slovak culture) ...
Title: Slovenská štátnosť (Slovak statehood) Originally published: Kultúra, no. 1 (1941), pp. 11–17....
Title: Romantickά tvάr Slovenska (The Romantic face of Slovakia) Originally published: Prague, Vacla...
In the text, the author poses several questions regarding the status of Slovak in the family of Slav...
Title: Slovenský národný socializmus (Slovak National Socialism) Originally published: Slovenské poh...
Title: Pokrokovosť a konzervativizmus na Slovensku (Progressivism and conservatism in Slovakia) Orig...
Author's name covered by label of publisher.Praktǐcný slovensko-anglický tlumač. The practical Slova...
The author presents the history of a local language. In the 1750s, in Debrecen religious books were ...
Title: Slovan a Čech (The Slav and the Czech) Originally published: First published in Pražské novin...
Title: Ideológia slovenskej ľudovej strany (The ideology of the Slovak People’s Party) Originally pu...
Folklorization and translationUntil World War I, Slovak language had awell-established norm, but its...
Title: Szózat a magyar és szláv nemzetiség ügyében (Oration on the matter of the Hungarian and Slavi...
The Rusyn language in Slovakia was codified in 1995 on the basis of the country’s two most prevalent...
The paper examines the Rusyn dialect spoken in the village of Komlóska and the surrounding region in...
Title: Slovak ako národné indivíduum (The Slovak as a national individuality) Originally published: ...
Title: Dnešný stav a vývoj slovenskej kultúry (The current state and development of Slovak culture) ...
Title: Slovenská štátnosť (Slovak statehood) Originally published: Kultúra, no. 1 (1941), pp. 11–17....
Title: Romantickά tvάr Slovenska (The Romantic face of Slovakia) Originally published: Prague, Vacla...
In the text, the author poses several questions regarding the status of Slovak in the family of Slav...
Title: Slovenský národný socializmus (Slovak National Socialism) Originally published: Slovenské poh...
Title: Pokrokovosť a konzervativizmus na Slovensku (Progressivism and conservatism in Slovakia) Orig...
Author's name covered by label of publisher.Praktǐcný slovensko-anglický tlumač. The practical Slova...
The author presents the history of a local language. In the 1750s, in Debrecen religious books were ...
Title: Slovan a Čech (The Slav and the Czech) Originally published: First published in Pražské novin...
Title: Ideológia slovenskej ľudovej strany (The ideology of the Slovak People’s Party) Originally pu...
Folklorization and translationUntil World War I, Slovak language had awell-established norm, but its...
Title: Szózat a magyar és szláv nemzetiség ügyében (Oration on the matter of the Hungarian and Slavi...
The Rusyn language in Slovakia was codified in 1995 on the basis of the country’s two most prevalent...
The paper examines the Rusyn dialect spoken in the village of Komlóska and the surrounding region in...