Title: Slawische Philosophie (Slavic philosophy) Originally published: Prague, Fr. Ehrlich, 1855 Language: German The excerpts used are from Славянска философия (София: Акад. изд. Проф. Марин Дринов, 2000). Part I, Chapter IV and V, pp. 55–58; Part III, 2, Chapter I, p. 191. About the author Petar Beron (Pierre Béron) [1800, Kotel (Central Bulgaria) – 1871, near Craiova]: philosopher and pedagogue. He came from a rich merchant’s family, and received his primary education in Kotel (in the east..
Title: Szózat a magyar és szláv nemzetiség ügyében (Oration on the matter of the Hungarian and Slavi...
Title: Slovan a Čech (The Slav and the Czech) Originally published: First published in Pražské novin...
Title: Sudetendeutsche Geschichte (Sudeten German history) Originally published: Reichenberg (Cz. Li...
Title: Idejni temelji slovanskega agrarizma: programatična socialna študija (The ideal foundations o...
Title: Pokrokovosť a konzervativizmus na Slovensku (Progressivism and conservatism in Slovakia) Orig...
Title: Slovenský národný socializmus (Slovak National Socialism) Originally published: Slovenské poh...
Title: Slovenská štátnosť (Slovak statehood) Originally published: Kultúra, no. 1 (1941), pp. 11–17....
Title: Към философията на българската история. Византинизмът в средновековна България (Towards the p...
Title: Válka Čechů s Němci (The war between Czechs and Germans) Originally published: Prague, Čin, 1...
Title: Österreich im Prisma der Idee. Kathechismus der Führenden (Austria through the prism of the I...
Title: Romantickά tvάr Slovenska (The Romantic face of Slovakia) Originally published: Prague, Vacla...
Title: Schimbarea la faţă a României (The transfiguration of Romania) Originally published: Buchares...
Title: Жива cтарина (Living antiquity) Originally published: Rousse, 1891 Language: Bulgarian The ex...
Title: Das Schrifttum als geistiger Raum der Nation (Writing as the spiritual space of the Nation) O...
Title: Dnešný stav a vývoj slovenskej kultúry (The current state and development of Slovak culture) ...
Title: Szózat a magyar és szláv nemzetiség ügyében (Oration on the matter of the Hungarian and Slavi...
Title: Slovan a Čech (The Slav and the Czech) Originally published: First published in Pražské novin...
Title: Sudetendeutsche Geschichte (Sudeten German history) Originally published: Reichenberg (Cz. Li...
Title: Idejni temelji slovanskega agrarizma: programatična socialna študija (The ideal foundations o...
Title: Pokrokovosť a konzervativizmus na Slovensku (Progressivism and conservatism in Slovakia) Orig...
Title: Slovenský národný socializmus (Slovak National Socialism) Originally published: Slovenské poh...
Title: Slovenská štátnosť (Slovak statehood) Originally published: Kultúra, no. 1 (1941), pp. 11–17....
Title: Към философията на българската история. Византинизмът в средновековна България (Towards the p...
Title: Válka Čechů s Němci (The war between Czechs and Germans) Originally published: Prague, Čin, 1...
Title: Österreich im Prisma der Idee. Kathechismus der Führenden (Austria through the prism of the I...
Title: Romantickά tvάr Slovenska (The Romantic face of Slovakia) Originally published: Prague, Vacla...
Title: Schimbarea la faţă a României (The transfiguration of Romania) Originally published: Buchares...
Title: Жива cтарина (Living antiquity) Originally published: Rousse, 1891 Language: Bulgarian The ex...
Title: Das Schrifttum als geistiger Raum der Nation (Writing as the spiritual space of the Nation) O...
Title: Dnešný stav a vývoj slovenskej kultúry (The current state and development of Slovak culture) ...
Title: Szózat a magyar és szláv nemzetiség ügyében (Oration on the matter of the Hungarian and Slavi...
Title: Slovan a Čech (The Slav and the Czech) Originally published: First published in Pražské novin...
Title: Sudetendeutsche Geschichte (Sudeten German history) Originally published: Reichenberg (Cz. Li...