Title: Idejni temelji slovanskega agrarizma: programatična socialna študija (The ideal foundations of Slavic agrarianism: A programmatic social study) Originally published: Ljubljana, Kmetijska tiskovna zadruga, 1927. Language: Slovene The excerpts used are from the original publication, pp. 2–5, 7–9, 26–29, 74–76, 130–134, 326–332. About the author France Veber, also Weber [1890, Gornja Radgona, Ger. Oberradkersburg (Northeastern Slovenia) − 1975, Ljubljana]: philosopher. He studied philosop..
Title: Romantickά tvάr Slovenska (The Romantic face of Slovakia) Originally published: Prague, Vacla...
Title: Czechoslovakia’s Struggle for Freedom Originally published: London, The Dalhousie Review, 194...
Title: Izgrađivanje Nove Srbije kao seljačke države (The building of New Serbia as a peasant state) ...
Title: Slawische Philosophie (Slavic philosophy) Originally published: Prague, Fr. Ehrlich, 1855 Lan...
Title: Pokrokovosť a konzervativizmus na Slovensku (Progressivism and conservatism in Slovakia) Orig...
Title: Slovenci inJugoslovani (The Slovenes and the Yugoslavs) Originally published: a lecture at th...
Title: Dnešný stav a vývoj slovenskej kultúry (The current state and development of Slovak culture) ...
Title: Österreich im Prisma der Idee. Kathechismus der Führenden (Austria through the prism of the I...
Title: Slovenský národný socializmus (Slovak National Socialism) Originally published: Slovenské poh...
Title: Slaves du Sud ou le peuple Serbe avec les Croates et les Bulgares (South Slavs, or the Serbia...
Title: Poslanstvo besede (The mission of language) Originally published: Ljubljanski zvon, 54 (1934)...
Title: Na obranu slovanské politiky (In defense of Slavic politics) Originally published: Prague, Ti...
Title: Válka Čechů s Němci (The war between Czechs and Germans) Originally published: Prague, Čin, 1...
Title: Österreich und die Bürgschaften seines Bestandes. Politische Studie (Austria and the guarante...
Title: Österreich und dessen Zukunft (Austria and Her future) Originally published: Hamburg: Hoffman...
Title: Romantickά tvάr Slovenska (The Romantic face of Slovakia) Originally published: Prague, Vacla...
Title: Czechoslovakia’s Struggle for Freedom Originally published: London, The Dalhousie Review, 194...
Title: Izgrađivanje Nove Srbije kao seljačke države (The building of New Serbia as a peasant state) ...
Title: Slawische Philosophie (Slavic philosophy) Originally published: Prague, Fr. Ehrlich, 1855 Lan...
Title: Pokrokovosť a konzervativizmus na Slovensku (Progressivism and conservatism in Slovakia) Orig...
Title: Slovenci inJugoslovani (The Slovenes and the Yugoslavs) Originally published: a lecture at th...
Title: Dnešný stav a vývoj slovenskej kultúry (The current state and development of Slovak culture) ...
Title: Österreich im Prisma der Idee. Kathechismus der Führenden (Austria through the prism of the I...
Title: Slovenský národný socializmus (Slovak National Socialism) Originally published: Slovenské poh...
Title: Slaves du Sud ou le peuple Serbe avec les Croates et les Bulgares (South Slavs, or the Serbia...
Title: Poslanstvo besede (The mission of language) Originally published: Ljubljanski zvon, 54 (1934)...
Title: Na obranu slovanské politiky (In defense of Slavic politics) Originally published: Prague, Ti...
Title: Válka Čechů s Němci (The war between Czechs and Germans) Originally published: Prague, Čin, 1...
Title: Österreich und die Bürgschaften seines Bestandes. Politische Studie (Austria and the guarante...
Title: Österreich und dessen Zukunft (Austria and Her future) Originally published: Hamburg: Hoffman...
Title: Romantickά tvάr Slovenska (The Romantic face of Slovakia) Originally published: Prague, Vacla...
Title: Czechoslovakia’s Struggle for Freedom Originally published: London, The Dalhousie Review, 194...
Title: Izgrađivanje Nove Srbije kao seljačke države (The building of New Serbia as a peasant state) ...